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lol i remember "ghost"

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Well-Known Member
lol i remember i used to think you could secretly catch ghost somehow but i thought it was so cool seeing that "ghost" does anyone else remember the "ghosts" lol before you got that silph scope?


Thunder Trainer
The ghost will always appear in your face instead of the usual Ghastly, Haunter, and Cubone if it finds that you don't hold the Silph Scope. Sadly you can't beat up the ghost.


The PokeMaster!
When a ghost appears, you can go into status, come back out and the ghost will be a picture of the actual Pokemon. However, it will still be called 'Ghost' and you can't attack it.

Trooper Guy

Lost in history...
^^I did and it won't work.

Anyways, i remember Ghost. It should be made as an official pokemon, imo.


Glitch Hunting Freak
You can "sorta" capture a ghost...
Ether have an x, y, or z in your name for cinibar coast or use the special stat of 183 of the mew trick to get a MISSINGNO ghost. It's the ghost but is MISSINGNO


Powerplay Champion
mmmm, yeah, not really ghost... but i remember freaking out the first time i saw it:)

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
Yeah, I remember. The only way to attack or catch them was by having the Silph Scope, but it would become a Gastly/Haunter/Cubone/Marowak...sad
I always thought Ghost was a pokemon, and I wasted a bunch of great balls, trying to catch it. But hey! I was 5!

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
I always thought Ghost was a pokemon, and I wasted a bunch of great balls, trying to catch it. But hey! I was 5!
I can believe it. It´s not that weird, I thought that too, and I wasted a lot of Pokéballs. But that isn´t the stupidest thing: one of my friends thought that it was the "supreme Pokémon", and an evolution of Gengar


Hey if there are wild cubones there, couldn't you just see cubone instead of a ghost if you were lucky to finbd one before getting the silph scope? Also I used to think cubone and marowak was the only way to defeat a ghost lol, turns out it was because of the lack of levitate and poison's weakness to boomerang.



I could never understand why people in the Pokémon World aren't afraid of Ghost-Pokémon, but are afraid of Ghosts.

RED: "Oh, goodness! A Ghost appeared!"
Use the Silph Scope
RED: "Oh, PHEW! Its just a dead Marowak!"

I could never understand why people in the Pokémon World aren't afraid of Ghost-Pokémon, but are afraid of Ghosts.

RED: "Oh, goodness! A Ghost appeared!"
Use the Silph Scope
RED: "Oh, PHEW! Its just a dead Marowak!"

lol, ya, the ghosts used to scare me. I hated them, and didn't like Pikachu's screech.

Mim3 Jr.

Cute, Cuddly, Pink~
Yea, scary they were. Especially with your first encounter with them. Of course everyone tried to catch them, but sadly couldnt, lol.

-Mim3. Jr.

Free Man

Active Member
The first time I played, I carefully whittled down Marowak's HP and put it to sleep... then found I couldn't catch it, as I had to defeat it to set it's spirit to rest. Fiddlesticks!


Natsu no Maboroshi
LOL. I wasted around 15 Pokeballs trying to catch one before I got the Silph Scope XD


Feel my soul
Yup, I remember them. XD My friend caught one by using an Action Replay (by enabling the "Catch any Pokemon codes," I think. o.o;) on FR. As soon as she caught it, it turned into a Marowak, which makes sense since it was the Pokemon that died.
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