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Long time fan, first day member

Dr. Anime

Hello everyone. I've known about this forum for a while, but I didn't get around to joining until today. I'm a regular daily visiter to Serebii.net. I've been a huge Poke'mon lover ever since its US debut in 1998. With the decline of die-hard Poke'mon fans, it's good to see so many others still loving it after 10 years. My top 5 favorite Poke'mon are Munchlax, Snorlax, Venusaur, Bulbasaur, and Ivysaur.

I'm a regular Poke'mon cosplayer. The cosplays I've done are Kanto/Johto Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, and Professor Oak. My girlfriend ,however, is the queen of Poke'mon cosplay. She is very well known for her original Poke'mon princess gowns. Pictures of us in cosplay can be viewed on my website link.

I hope I fit in okay here. I look forward to getting to know many people here.


Here we go; Welcome, I belive that you will follow the rules. ;D

Hello, welcome to SPPf, Dr. Anime. Make sure to read the rules, stickies, and Announcements. And have fun reading all of those..XD Oh, and also, don't use the smilies unless you have too. It is SPAM. Also, SPAM is located in almost every post here on this forum. So, try not to use so many "?" marks and "!" marks and caps lock.[Which I doubt you will] Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages.

Here are some helpful links for the Newbies here around SPPf.

[Get your Signature Checked!!] This thread allows you to make sure your sig is the right size. Post there and a person will say if it is okay or not.

[Adopt-A-Newbie Agency] This thread allows older members (i.g. Me :p) to adopt newbies to guide and help around the forums. Please, follow the rules by PM who you want to adpot. And don't SPAM. Which means ... ANYWHERE.

[Official User Name Change Thread.] This thread alows you to change your name. Right now it is closed since Fox is trying to get all of the names changed before it is re-opened. =) It won't re-open until a while now. Fox still hasn't changed many names and hasn't been on for a while. All you have to do is post this format:

Old Name: OldNameHere

Requested Name: NewNameHere

[Newbie Help Topic and FAQ] Here are things that help Newbies, you, around the forum! This is a very helpful link for people like you who are new to the forum.

Well, if you need anything, bored, or want to be friends, PM me.

Oh, and for people who have seen this post before, I like to use it. It is a good way to introduce newbies. :p New version. 2.4 XD
© Rasengan/Zetsu. of '06​
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xD Rasengan, I've seen that tons of times. Well anyways welcome and if you want to be friends or need help pm me.

Dr. Anime

Thanks Rasengan. Don't worry, I'm well aware of the rules. To be honest, I'm not very fond of spammers either. ^_^()

Awww, thank you Sarukarisha. That's very sweet of you to offer friendship right off the bat!
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xD Rasengan, I've seen that tons of times. Well anyways welcome and if you want to be friends or need help pm me.

ALways a great way to keep newbies on the right track! =]
Dr. Anime said:
Thanks Rasengan. Don't worry, I'm well aware of the rules. To be honest, I'm not very fond of spammers either. ^_^()

That is good to know, and again, welcome to the forums, make alot of friends!