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Look and laugh!


Well I have been attempting to mix pokemon avatar sprites with real life pictures.

I am an amature still but I hope thet with time I get better.

My first attemt was my sig, wich by the time some of you look at it I'll probably have changed it. Lol, I'm like that when it comes to sigs. I allways change it.

Anyways in case I changed my sig here's my first attempt:


Not a masterpiece but someone told me he liked it so I desided to try a little harder.

So here is the first joke mix pic I make and also my second attempt at this so please be kind:


I first made this:


and then blew snorlax up and "unpixelated" him.

I hope you guys like it!


Knight of Oblivion
the first one is very cool

i rofl"ed after seeing the second and third ones!


Xinkc; thanx dude!

BTW the background is a mexican restaurant. I know it's noy so good but it was all I found.


The fact that no one notices only makes it funnier.

If you mean that no one notices that it is a mexican restaurant then I guess it gives it a toch of subtlety lol.(derived from subtle with my horrid spelling)

Ha! subtle even though it's a fart joke!

BTW Who here knows how to spell that???PM me and I'll edit it.