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Look! Sprites =O


Oh noes, toast =O
Meh, some of you probally know me as either Vaati or Iron-Vaati etc But yeah, my account got pruned, so I'm back as Tom Nook =O

Anyways, just a few sprites for now:

(Fakemon of mine, water starter)

(The water starter's evolution)

(Me as a trainer)

(Kingler pixel art)









Anyways, this is a very small portion of my pixel based works, hopefully I'll pick up a few comments =D

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I'd say your very talented! Good revamps, shading is done well and you've revamped everything that needs to be. Fakemon, that water starter is really cute!

On your pixel art you've put Subomi but the picture is of one of your mixes :)


Oh noes, toast =O
Woops >.<
Well, here's my Subomi, silly me, must;ve forgot to Paste the link =P

And thanks much for the comment ^_^
Last edited:


Oh noes, toast =O
I've tried Chao before, they were a lil too simple and boring for me =P


Just a bit of fun

Chibi mask

Just another bit of fun
Everything seems really nice. Although, if I were have to give a piece of advice it would be not to over-dither. It is possible to make sprites nice (or even nicer in some cases) without too much visible dithering. You could also follow the official style a bit when it comes to the revamps, but it isn't so necessary as they look rather well done. But I must say, you have an excellent choice of palettes, especially the one with the brick wall.
All in all, keep up the good work.~


Oh noes, toast =O
Thanks dude =D

I did try not to dither once, and to make the sprites bigger, but it turned out crap

See, althouigh i generally like the shading.

EDIT: Why is it my threads always die this early on? -_-;

Anyways, something else for ya all.
These were originally going to be saved till I posted the comic itself, but I might aswell show you anyways.

Basically, I;m making a completely hand pixeled comic (Apart from the text, of course) I won't reviel anymore as of yet, but I will show you the style I made for the characters.

My character

A scene advertising the special Pokemon issue.

Comments please =D


Tastes like chicken!
Every things great, The revamps look perfect, the water starter is really cute and the mixes are really good too.
Keep up the fantastic work!


Oh noes, toast =O
It''s because Tom Nook is really an evil Racoon, he acts all innocent, but when night falls he's out chopping down trees, and with any luck, killing Truffles.
If you've never played AC:WW then ignore that =P

Thanks for the comments =P

Shroomish can't be too small as it;s a pixel or so bigger than Coronis' Bulbasaur OW, Hariyama...I';m not so sure about, haven;t measured him up yet >.<

Anyways, thanks again


~her last bounty~
vaati san? hey you know me its maxxa from pc man i love your spriting do talented good work man


Oh noes, toast =O
Vaati who? Nah just playing with ya man, it's me =P
Heheh, thanks, I always appreciate a nice comment ^_^

And yes, I do remember you, although i left PC, the PA community is pretty much dead there now =/


~her last bounty~
Vaati who? Nah just playing with ya man, it's me =P
Heheh, thanks, I always appreciate a nice comment ^_^

And yes, I do remember you, although i left PC, the PA community is pretty much dead there now =/

oh yh not that many spriters left


Oh noes, toast =O
True =/

Anyways, a few fun things that were made for a website I once made:

The mascot: (Based on a joke my friend made once)

Three characters who were also gonna be mascots. (A parody of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force)

And Fat Sam's QOTW (My friend Sam generally says a lot of stupid things, they really needed to be written down XD)

All are fully scratch, like most of my work =D


Chaotic Dreamer
Ahh, you're briliant. I like your ideas and stye, only I agree with ShadowP that dithering is good only untill you overdo it or use it in the wrong spots. Like with your Hunger Force parody trio, the dithering is perfect for the broccoli's leafs becuase of their appearance and texture; round and coarse. But with the stalk of the same character and the orange, the texture is much more smooth and reflective and should be given straight highlights and shodows that emphasise those properties.

Keeping your sprites small is a good idea, unless you're going to use dithering on it.
[Link] or

See how dithering is used in the large one but "cell" shading is used in the smaller, Pokemon one?


Oh noes, toast =O
I know a lot about dithering. I dislike shading the wya most of the Pokemon are shaded, as it never turns out right when I try it =P The Orange one is based on a battered Meat ball 9We have them in Britian >.<) I sued dithering as the texture of a battered meatball is very crumbley.

When doing pokemon sprites, I do try and steer away from dithering, the hunger force parody are quite old =/ But I feel the dithering works on most of my pieces.

Thanks very much for the critique, as it's giving me a better look at my techniques =D

Although to be fair, quite a few Pokemon offical sprites contain a lot of dithering.

Anyways, quite an old piece, a tribute to Earthbound Zero on the NES.


Well-Known Member
...Can I build you a shrine? <33

Love them. ^^ I think your shading is fine! It's your own style, which makes your sprites unique. X3