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Looking for a Ditto.


New Member
Im currently looking for a Ditto i have:

Male Crandios Lv 20 Fresh From Fossil
Female Cranidos Lv 20 ^
Male Mantyke Lv 31
Female Mantyke Lv 39
Female Stunky Lv 23
Male Mr Mime Lv 30
Female Mr Mime Lv 29
Male Steelix Lv 46

I also have alot of Items if you want any of these to satisfy your trade:

Odd incense
Full Incense
Wave Incense
Rose Incense
Rock Incense
Heat Rock
Insect Plate
Cleanse Tag
Earth Plate

If none of these pokemon or items interst you let me know what you are looking for and i will see what i can do for you, also if you dont have a ditto and still want something then offer that aswell, id be more than happy to consider it.
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The Mass Producer
(not to sound like a smartass) but you do know that you can get a ditto in pearl/diamond?


The Mass Producer
yeah.. it can take a while..
well if your still searching for one by tomorrow (3am here now) leave me a PM and ill see what i can do for ya. i currently only have one but i could proly get you one


PokeTrainer Miki
to get a ditto u need to use the poketore


D/P Official Fan
You can check around Route 218 for a Ditto, you need to use the Pokeradar to ensure you find one. The 'Radar is found in your key items after obtaining it from Professor. Oak. It has a 22% of showing up so you should find one easily; as I found a Chansey last night after 2 turns and alas it has a 5% chance of showing up.


The Mass Producer
You can check around Route 218 for a Ditto, you need to use the Pokeradar to ensure you find one. The 'Radar is found in your key items after obtaining it from Professor. Oak. It has a 22% of showing up so you should find one easily; as I found a Chansey last night after 2 turns and alas it has a 5% chance of showing up.
shame you cant use it to find feebas though =/


D/P Official Fan
shame you cant use it to find feebas though =/

It's just one of those things, as the majority know Feebas are extremely rare Pokemon. If you're lucky enough to get one then as suggested trade it over from Pokemon Emerald and start breeding them, it'll be the only way if you fail to to max out Feebas' beauty.


The Mass Producer
It's just one of those things, as the majority know Feebas are extremely rare Pokemon. If you're lucky enough to get one then as suggested trade it over from Pokemon Emerald and start breeding them, it'll be the only way if you fail to to max out Feebas' beauty.
true, i think i got lucky xD i actualy have a lvl 3 milotic