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Looking for a Houndour... will trade Chimchar or Gible, open to offers


New Member
I would really love a Houndour. If you're interested, please reply :)


New Member
I do have a Misdreavus to trade also, if preferred.

And, I could get a Turtwig or Piplup if preferred over Chimchar.


Aspiring Trainer
yea so i have timid houndour bred w/ dark pulse. do u have anything else to offer?


New Member
yea so i have timid houndour bred w/ dark pulse. do u have anything else to offer?

what are you looking for exactly? any tms, hms, items...?

I have an Infernape that I raised to a lvl 36 also, that I would be willing to trade away.


New Member
got reaper cloth, razor fang or razor claw?

just saw your other post.

no, i don't have those items. :( However, I do have a masterball that I might trade for a Shiny Houndour, or any other shiny for that matter. Especially ponyta :)

of coruse, that would include my palkia
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