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looking for a shiny beldum/bagon/ralts


New Member
the lower the lvl the better i will accept there evolved forms if they are ev trained but i want an adamant nature male bagon and i want 2 know if i should ev train beldum in atk or sp atk and depending on which i want an adamant or modest natured male beldum and adamant natured male ralts

i will offer a lvl 100 rayquaza a lvl 10 MYSTRY mew lvl 30 shiny luxray lvl 29 shiny kirlia lvl 1 riolu or lvl 1 happiny

depending on what u choose i might let u choose more then 1 of them
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Staff member
Is your Happiny shiny? If so, I'll give you a Modest female shiny Ralts (level 4) for it.


New Member
Is your Happiny shiny? If so, I'll give you a Modest female shiny Ralts (level 4) for it. sry its not shiny and im looking for a male adamant 1 neways


New Member
shiny ralts (F) level 4 for whichever of the 2 shinies you are the OT of
sry im not the OT of ne of the shinies im offering


New Member
wow these must b rare to get