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Looking for advice

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Well-Known Member
I am planning on restarting my Sapphire game very soon. I want to do some breeding, so I have different Pokemon to play with, this time around. I am thinking about using a Totodile to start (after trading with my Ruby game, in which I breed a lot). Any other Pokemon ideas. I can't seem to pinpoint any other than Totodile...



I don’t think you’re allowed to ask for Pokémon to use on a team here.

Just use Pokemon that cover Totodile's weaknesses and/or Pokemon that you've never used before.


Well-Known Member
Yes, those then ;) I am not sure where to post this, lol. You can rate my team if you want. Totodile? Good, no?


I'm sorry, but you can't trade Totodile to R/S/E before you get the national dex.
You're going to have to think of the team members for yourself... (or at least 3 members with movesets.) Rate My Team =/= Give Me a Team.

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