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Looking for Event PocketMonsters trading Pocket Event Monsters. Late Night Trade


Hey i have th efollowing for trade. i am looking for ones i dont have on the list. Uhh i cant clone fast so if you are a faster cloner and wan tot trade with me, would you mind to clone it for me, you get a copy, i get a copy back and then the pokes your trading. I will make deal worth your while, trust me, negotiate, im friendly. I DONT WANT Shines, Touched, Semi Legit, Hacked, Darkrai, Arceus, Shaymin. Just Event Pokes an dDistant Land Pokes.
Heres the following i have(i will state if it is touched):
10 ANIV - Blazeken, Bulbasaur, Charizrd, Blastoise, Typhlosion, Absol, Articuno, Moltres, Suicine, Entei, Pikachu w/ Light Ball, Celebii

Channel Jirachi
WSHMKR Jirachi
Hadou Mew
Ageto Celebii
Mitsurin Celebii
Shiny Ruby Zigzagoon
Shiny Saphire Zigzagoon
PCNYd Salemence
Space C Deoxys
PBR Pikachu w/ Light Ball (Had Pokerus once) - looking for an iuntouched one.
10ANNIV Lugia
10ANNIV Ho-oh
10JAHRE Suicine

Distant Land - Lugia, <Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos,Schukle, Granbull, GLigar, Mr Mime, Hitmonchan, Snorunt, Zangoose, Marowak, Hypno, Scyther, Arbok, Beedrill, Tangela

All Regular LEgends

Items, TMS, Etc

Thanks and GOD Bless
Act Quickly i just wanna trade a handful tonight


Pwn N00b$
PBR Pikachu w/ Light Ball (Had Pokerus once) - looking for an iuntouched one

are you trading this? if so i have a distant land shiny poliwrath, but i think its touched...or a mattle ho-oh i could offer...


Long term PKMNPlayer
I'll take the Suicune, I have distant landers


The Master of Speed
10 aniv celebi for shiny ruby Zigzagoon?


Long term PKMNPlayer
Let's see, Ampharous, Yanmega (was Yanma), Gligar, Togekss (was Togetic), Lugia (got from the GTS and is Lv100), Starmie, Hitmonchan, Tyshlosion (male and female), Maganium (female), Lickitung, Flygon (not for trade, it's my big pet) and that's all in my Pearl