Hey i have th efollowing for trade. i am looking for ones i dont have on the list. Uhh i cant clone fast so if you are a faster cloner and wan tot trade with me, would you mind to clone it for me, you get a copy, i get a copy back and then the pokes your trading. I will make deal worth your while, trust me, negotiate, im friendly. I DONT WANT Shines, Touched, Semi Legit, Hacked, Darkrai, Arceus, Shaymin. Just Event Pokes an dDistant Land Pokes.
Heres the following i have(i will state if it is touched):
10 ANIV - Blazeken, Bulbasaur, Charizrd, Blastoise, Typhlosion, Absol, Articuno, Moltres, Suicine, Entei, Pikachu w/ Light Ball, Celebii
Channel Jirachi
WSHMKR Jirachi
Hadou Mew
Ageto Celebii
Mitsurin Celebii
Shiny Ruby Zigzagoon
Shiny Saphire Zigzagoon
PCNYd Salemence
Space C Deoxys
PBR Pikachu w/ Light Ball (Had Pokerus once) - looking for an iuntouched one.
10ANNIV Lugia
10ANNIV Ho-oh
10JAHRE Suicine
Distant Land - Lugia, <Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos,Schukle, Granbull, GLigar, Mr Mime, Hitmonchan, Snorunt, Zangoose, Marowak, Hypno, Scyther, Arbok, Beedrill, Tangela
All Regular LEgends
Items, TMS, Etc
Thanks and GOD Bless
Act Quickly i just wanna trade a handful tonight
Heres the following i have(i will state if it is touched):
10 ANIV - Blazeken, Bulbasaur, Charizrd, Blastoise, Typhlosion, Absol, Articuno, Moltres, Suicine, Entei, Pikachu w/ Light Ball, Celebii
Channel Jirachi
WSHMKR Jirachi
Hadou Mew
Ageto Celebii
Mitsurin Celebii
Shiny Ruby Zigzagoon
Shiny Saphire Zigzagoon
PCNYd Salemence
Space C Deoxys
PBR Pikachu w/ Light Ball (Had Pokerus once) - looking for an iuntouched one.
10ANNIV Lugia
10ANNIV Ho-oh
10JAHRE Suicine
Distant Land - Lugia, <Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos,Schukle, Granbull, GLigar, Mr Mime, Hitmonchan, Snorunt, Zangoose, Marowak, Hypno, Scyther, Arbok, Beedrill, Tangela
All Regular LEgends
Items, TMS, Etc
Thanks and GOD Bless
Act Quickly i just wanna trade a handful tonight