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looking for gligar and spiritomb

T Deck

New Member
yea i need a gligar and a soiritomb

i can give the d/p and r/s/e starters as well as squirtles. i can also trade som pearl exclusives. if u want somthin else tell me and i'll see wat i can do


Dragon Trainer EX
I have a spiritomb. I would really like r/s/e starters!

T Deck

New Member
Rolkan- yea i can trade that, u want all three of them or do u just want 1 particular 1?

vincent- sry i don't hav any elekids

T Deck

New Member
Rolkan- yea i can trade that, u want all three of them or do u just want 1 particular 1?

vincent- sry i don't hav any elekids

T Deck

New Member
i hav a pinsir ready to go so how bout pinsir for gilgar?


New Member
vicent i would trade you an electivire for a dusclops holding the reaper cloth (or a dusknoir)


Dragon Trainer EX
Ok. I'll be ready in a sec for all three starters

T Deck

New Member
sry bout that rolkan my power went out so i couldn't get on wifi if ur still on line i'm comin on wifi now
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T Deck

New Member
rolkan if we can't get the trade done tonight u can just pm the next time u can do it

T Deck

New Member
cheesy do u hav a larvitar or scyther i could use one of each