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Looking for Growlithe and Latios

Super Kenny

New Member
Female Growlithe


Latios (untouched from Ruby?) Has to be = Modest/Mild/Rash/Hardy/Docile/Serious/Bashful or Quirky.

I have Dialga, Mesprit, Azelf or Uxie to offer for Latios, all untouched..

and for the female Growlithe, I guess I have some =
I can breed you a female Growlithe if you want.

Super Kenny

New Member
@ Dragonfyre = that would be great! What do you need for it? I don't have much but I could see if I have anything that you need

@shadesofgray = what nature?
Either Larvitar or Trapinch will do. I will just need a little time though.

Super Kenny

New Member
Ah ok, I have a lvl 1 Trapinch(male) adamant for the growlithe

My FC: 0731 1643 8279

I'll wait for you at the connection thingy
I'll get hatching then.

Super Kenny

New Member
Ah, no need for a naughty latios (l o l)

Can I see the stats on the lvl 100? I wanted to train a modest/anything with high sp attack
Still hatching.
Hatched. Name and FC?