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Looking for legends


Johto Traveler
Finding legendaries and shinies turning out to be a pain in the arse? Not having much success on the code thread? Well post your friend codes and offers. I'm currently looking for shinies; and have shinies, mew, and a manaphy to trade, with the pokerus. Anything you need look around. Post more offers find more things. Can't seem to get darkrai on mystery gift, help please. I now am trading lv 1 and 5 starters for some items, paticularly a reaper's cloth, lustrious orb, or grip claw for sneasel will do. Other info posted on or around my trainer card!
3737 6122 6627
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I can offer you a Jirachi for your Manaphy


Johto Traveler

okay pm me ur friend code. I have to look around for more manaphy

Rod Master

The Fishing Guru
What shinies do you have to offer?


Active Member
I have pokemon with egg moves, Lugia, and a couple EV-trained pokemon.

My FC is Alan 4210 0677 9270.

I'm interested in the Mew, or some of your shinies.


Johto Traveler

i got a shiny golbat, altaria, shroomish, sableye, seviper. I really need celebi.


Johto Traveler

my friend code is
3737 6122 6627


Up For Trade P.M Me
Is the altaria cloned?


Up For Trade P.M Me
Good question... If it's two, then I'd like the bat and altaria. If one, I'll take altaria.


Johto Traveler
Jirachi and others

Okay, I can always get another manaphy on the WFC and i really planned on trading a shiny or two fer 1 pkmn each or a legend. This thread is also for others to trade. ^-^


Up For Trade P.M Me
Then what would you trade for my celebi?


Johto Traveler


Johto Traveler


Up For Trade P.M Me
no altaria i got from a friend

Okay, how many pokemon would you trade? One is fine, but two gets you an item of interest...

EDIT: NVM, I'll just take altaria. If you'd like to trade, my FC is in my card. Yours is?


Johto Traveler
pics won't load

crappy browser