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Looking for legit Celebi, johto starters, or legendary dogs.


ooo, what's cooking?
I'm looking for a legit celebi, legendary dogs, and johto starters. If anyone has them, I'm willing to trade the following Pokemon.
Shiny Sunkern(with sun stone)
rare in game non-legendaries such as Munchlax, female Combee, Feebas, Milotic, and evolved Pokemon such as Machamp, Gengar, Alakazam, Kingdra, Steelix, Ryperior, etc. are also availiable for those looking for something more mild than the legendaries.
Please PM me. Oh, my trainer name is Daniel, and my FC is in my sig. Thank you in advance. I'm hoping to see a lot of trainers.


ooo, what's cooking?
Righty then. Both of you plz PM me if you want to seal the deal. I see nothing against it. However, I am busy this week and can't use my DS as much as i want to. I'll PM you to tell you when I'm ready. P.S. if you are against cloning, say it now, because I have to clone to get these. If you are against cloning, I repeat, you can leave now. everybody else, i welcome you with open arms.
Erm, why ask for only two Pokemon when you offer three...