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looking for magby, shuckle, and elekid


hi people the title says it all

please help me out here, i can't even get these guys into my dex so i cant use the global system.

shuckle, magby, and elekid.

any help would be great



don't know what you are looking for. i can bread any of the Ruby starters, and i have two of the diamond starters (Not the water one).

i have several ditto's i might have one with a nature you might like.

spiritombs, both D/P Fossil pokemon ect.

this is my first time doing this, so i have a hard time figuring out what people want.

i don't have any shinnies, no luck on my part.


i have all three, so would you want to do a three part trade. i would need to breed them so that i can still have a copy, but ill give you the ones i have currently.

i have to go to class right now but i can get back to you - is that ok, i could PM you later