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looking for manaphy


ever since ive heard of a manphy ive been dying 2 get one.I ask many ppl all day but no.I would like a manaphy because its a gorgeous pokemon,reminds me of Navi from Zelda,and it needs a good home .I have a lvl.84 empoleon 44 lucario 50 mespirit espeon 23 munchlax lvl.1 ponyata hitmonchan larvitar togepi castform 42 ninetailes ditto lvl.100 blastoise lvl.100 pickach my name is Sammy friend code is 2706 8104 2002 plz tell me which 1 u like and ur friend code :):172bros:


Active Member
i can give you phione for munchlax
Are the blastoise or pikachu 10aniv?