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looking for mewtwo


Fire Master
Untouched with a MODEST nature. Must have it. I have several pokemon to offer. Also, looking for a Palkia with a calm nature, also untouched.

Also, need a Happiny/Chansey, lvl 1 (untouched) with seismic toss and a bold nature.
i have modest mewtwo untouched
do you have any shinies to offer?


Fire Master
sorry, no shinies. What else do you want?
nothing else sorry


Fire Master
U want a Jirachi or a latios? Regigigas?
i already have every legendary
all i need are shinies


Fire Master
o... okay

anyone else?

I might be able to get a shiny, which shiny do u want?
id give it to you for practically any legit shiny


Fire Master

lemme make a new thread saying i will trade something good for a legit shiny