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Looking for Moveset/EV help for some pokes!


First up:
I am aiming for this guy to be a mixed sweeper slightly more in favor of Atk moves.

Dragonite@Life Orb or the -Confusion Berry if I go Outrage
Inner Focus
EVs: ?? (I would like a mix of Speed, Atk and SAtk)
Lonely (+Atk, -Def) or Naughty (+Atk, -Sdef) or Naive (+Spd, -SDef) or Hasty (+Spd, -Def) [Currently leaning towards Hasty or Lonely]

-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Thunder Punch
-Fire Blast
-Dragon Dance
-Fire Blast /Fire Punch
For this I would Outrage on anything that wasnt steel and hit them with either the EQ or Fire Move once it ended.

Those are the 2 sets I thought of, which do you think is best?

Next up is Porygon-Z
I have a better idea of what I want to do with this guy, his purpose being a Special Sweeper.

Porygon-Z@Life Orb
EV: 252 SAtk/ 252 Spd/ 4 HP (What I was using on my SpecsMence before I decided to try this guy out)
Modest (+SAtk, -Atk) or Timid (+Spd, -Atk) [Im leaning more towards Modest]
-Nasty Plot
-Tri Attack
-Dark Pulse
-Ice Beam / Thunder Bolt
Im unsure on the last 2 moves, could use some advice.

Im also in the process of re-doing my ReStalking Dusknoir into a Pain Split one, that currently looks like:
EV:252 hp / 164 Def / 92 SDef
Careful (+SDef, -SAtk)
-Pain Split
-Shadow Punch / Sneak (I currently have Punch but Sneak seems like it would be more effective)
-Thunder Punch
This guy is alrdy technically in my team but hes being redone, just looking on Moveset comments.

My team is currently: (Which will prolly be unchanged)
Weavile (Pursuit/Ice Punch/Night Slash/Brick Break) *Physical Sweeper
Swampert (Stealth Rock/Ice Beam/Surf/EQ) *Physical Wall/Anti-Dragon
Dusknoir (W-o-W/Pain Split/Shadow Punch/Thunder Punch) *Special Wall/Gyara Counter
Gliscor (Aeriel Ace/EQ/Roost/Knock Off) *Physical Wall/Heracross counter

I can post the other 3 of my team in more detail but this should cover it since im not looking for Critique on them, just showing what I got.

Thank you in advance.
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Dragonite@Life Orb
Mild Nature (+SAtk -Def)
104 HP / 64 Atk / 136 Spd / 204 SAtk
-Ice Beam
-Draco Meteor
-Focus Punch


if you go ddnite
dragon dance/fire punch/earthquake/outrage
is the way to go.

mistylover he's evidently looking to use a dragon dance varient.