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Looking for Pokemon with Good IV's / Egg Moves / Ev trained etc ::Have : Shinies+more

I am looking for :-
pokemon with good iv's - fully ev trained
pokemon with good iv's - untouched
Rare / Important Tm's
pokemon with good iv's + egg moves
BLISSEY with Counter , Gengar With Counter (untouched)

Offering :
Any Starter
Phione Eggs
Gible / Dratini / Feebas / Bagon / Horsea / Spiritomb Eggs

Shinies :-
Charmander , Mime Jr , Buneary , Larvitar , Dratini , Torterra , Ampharos , Metagross , Hitmonchan , Torkoal , Swablu , Ryhorn , Riolu , Shuppet , Golbat , Gyarados , Eevee , Abra , Mew , Rayquaza , Palkia , Lugia , Latios , Latias , Treecko , Dialga , Kricketune , Fearow.


New Member
ill trade u a lvl 100 swampert perfect nature completely ev trained with egg moves curse on it for a shiny riolu and torterra...

shiny manafi

Sea Prince
I have a lvl untouched Naughty Bagon with 31IV in attack for mew?


New Member
sure... impish nature hp 403 atk 258 def 305 sp atk 166 sp def 215 and spd 135... its got curse earthquake rest hidden power flying... its perfect took me like 2 weeks to get it


New Member
k thats cool but thats the best swampert u can get i have 2 other swamperts that dont compare to a cursing swampert...
TheSen - your swampert is nice , but it doesnt go with my team =(.
i am not looking for shinies currently. if i clone one , ill send you a pm.


New Member
k cool... lemme know btw what nature is ur riolu?? i have loads of ev trained pokemon which i just need to clone.... wud u have a good natured dusknoir or tyranitar.. i have shiny salamence shiny gyarados shiny shuckle heracross all ev trained to perfection... lemme know


New Member
can u tell me riolu's stats and ur ev trained ttars stats... shuckle is sassy nature hp 167 atk 41 def 551 sp atk 50 sp def 609 spd 35 its got toxic rest double team and earthquake... however this is on my team... so i really want sumthin nice for this
TTar - Adamant
Hp - 348 , Att - 402 , Def - 252 , Sp At - 189 , Sp def - 224 , Speed - 201.
DDance , Taunt , EQ , Stone Edge

TTarBoah - Quiet
404 , 304 , 255 , 300 , 235 , 156
Crunch , Tbolt , Subs , Focus Punch

Riolu - level 1
11 , 6 ,5 , 5, 5 , 5

shiny manafi

Sea Prince
Can I have your TTar-adament for my almost max attack metagross?or lugia or jirachi or the pokemon in my sig(the last sentance)?


New Member
ill trade u shuckle and shiny shinx and shiny beldum for ur adamant ttar and shiny riolu... how about that??
TheSen - sure , but i cant clone them now , the gts is acting wierd. =( (btw i dont need shiny beldum)

shiny manafi - i am more interested in that empoleon in your team =P