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Looking for Pokemon


I am new here so don't tease me about the pokemon i want and have to offer, anyway heres what i want-

Any Shiny
Shiny Mew
3 Legendary Dogs
Any Event Pokemon
Any Legendarys
Space center Deoxys
Shiny Pidgeot(male)

Could all please be english and have no nickname.

I can offer-
Lv 53 Shiny Mew(legit)(Japenese)
Lv 8 Deoxys (Hacked)
Lv 48 Celebi
Lv 22 Charmeleon
Lv 26 Riolu
Lv 56 Marill
Lv 20 Kubuto (2 of them)
Lv 20 Lileep (3 of them)
Lv 20 Aerodactl
Lv 1 Pichu's that know the rare move volt tackle (Hatched)
Lv 20 Shelidon (2 of them)
Lv 20 Anorith
Lv 36 Charizard (EV Trained)
Lv 67 Empoleon (EV Trained)
Shiny Lv 24 Tenticool
Most Starters,(unhatched in eggs)
Can get pokemon infected with pokerus.

PM with offers for quick reply

I live in Australia so i'll try to trade when it's night time here
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Pokemon Coordinator
I can give you a treecko but not yet cos I have to receive it. I'll breed it for you and give you the egg. How bout that for Empoleon?


<- He want da cookie
I have A shiny hacked Mew if you want it.

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
I have a boatload of male treeckos.

I'll trade ya one for that Charmeleon.