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looking for shinies!!!!


New Member
as the title says, i 'll take any shinies other than the ones i already have( listed below) and it dosent matter what level they are. i'll offer some lvl 100's, and yes, i've cloned some of them in emerald, and i dont care if you cloned it or got it from a gameshark.

Shinies i have:dustox, seel, raticate, dialga

my offers:groudon
ho oh
starters from all region (other than sinnoh)
he three dogs
mew, mewtwo
dialga and palkia( only have 2 of each)
* all lvl 100

If you dont want any listed above, put down what you want for it and if i have it, i might accept it.

My friend code is:3995 _3064_4711

*other than the shinies, i'm also looking for celebi.
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