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Looking for shiny Rotom/Cranidos/Male Burmy/Uxie/Mespirit/Cresselia/Phione


New Member
JAA pokemon untouched
Latios* This has about 3/4 a level of exp but still level 70

Europe JAE pokemon

Level 5 Shiny Zigzagoons OT SAPHIRE with Liechi Berries from the berry fix

Level 40 Latias (Untouched EXP but missing a move as it had fly, will include a heart scale)
Lighly used Articuno level 50
Untouched Level 50 Zapdos
Level 50 Moltres (Untouched EXP but missing a move as it had fly, will include a heart scale)
Untouched level 70 Mewtwo
Untouched WISHMKR Jirachi level 5
Untouched TRU Mew level 10 - Would need to be palparked
Untouched Manaphy level 1
Untouched Cresselia level 50 - Have 3 different natures
All three Regi Untouched
Level 70 Ho-oh From Coliseum - Would need to be palparked
Level 70 Lugia From Emerald - Would need to be palparked

Shiny Adamant Riolu
Shiny Sableye
Shiny Ralts
Shiny Roselia
Shiny Beldum
Shiny Bagon with Dragon Dance
Shiny Dratini with Dragon Dance
Shiny Charmander*
Shiny Bronzor*
Shiny Buneary*
Shiny Drapion*
Shiny Spiritomb*
Shiny Tyranitar*
Shiny Manaphy*
Shiny Staraptor*
Shiny Chimchar* (Level 8 but I cleaned it with berries, also Japanese but non-nicknamed will evolve into MONFERNO normally)
Shiny Heatran**
* were traded and I can't confirm their legitimacy
** VERY unsure about this one its from gamefaqs, use at your own risk

Don't offer me poor hacks

I only want shiny, Rotom, Cranidos, Male Burmy, Mespirit (Maybe), Cresselia, Phione (Maybe), English non-nicknamed!
I am currently busy sleeping and at class, I will not repspond to offers of anything not on my want list, so please don't offer them, I'll make a new topic sometime with different wants eventually.

Since the forums are down a lot, my aim is thericheffect, or email @ xzafixz@gmail.com
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<<<I got it!!!!!!!!!
If u want i can try to clone shiny uxie for u but i will need a good deal


<<<I got it!!!!!!!!!
Shiny Bronzor*
Shiny Buneary*
Shiny Drapion*
Shiny Spiritomb*

Can u save me 2 0r 3 of these


Well-Known Member
I have a suicune non shiny if you want it level 47 caught in colosseum untrained would like a shiny for it but any shiny is fine


New Member
Added chimchar and no longer need Uxie. Will probably not be able to check this for a while so if you have one of my wants send an e-mail, pm or leave a message.


Well-Known Member
do you need a shiny rayquaza


ill trade you a cresselia or phione for one of the shinys?


New Member
Yes, shadow mew, I need to pal park the mew though, i'm pretty sure i noted that, give me a few minutes please.