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Looking for some shinies.




Shiny level 100 Deoxys (probably hacked) TRADED
Shiny Spinda (2x) level 50
Shiny Magneton level 34
shiny Electrike TRADED
shiny Manectric
shiny Solorck(japanese)
Shiny Latias(japanese) level 100- NOT SURE, if it's legit. TRADED

Non- shinies

Kyogre(Modest) level 70
Latios(Modest) level 40 TRADED
Jirachic legit WISHMKR level 53
Mewtwo(Rash) level 70 very good IVs on speed(29) and special attack(30) (2x)
Suicune(Bold) level 100 EV trained
Zapdos(Modest) level 50
Moltres level 50 Modest
Manaphy level 1
Mew level 41 (MYSTRY)
Latias(Relaxed) level 50
Rayquaza level 77 (Modest)
Rayquaza level 70 (Quiet)
Articuno(Bold) level 50
Shiny Latias(japanese) level 100
Ho-oh level 75 (Naive)
Groudon level 87 (Brave)
Phoine (2x)
legit 10 ANIV Celebi level 70 TRADED

Any shinies that I don't have. I'll accept japanese as well.
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Charizard Master
I gota shiny Charizard and Tyranitar interested? i likethat shiny Latias
do you want a shiny shinx?