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Looking for TM's Wiliing to trade Legends


Well-Known Member
I am looking for the following tms.

Icebeam (Tm. 13)
Thunder Bolt (Tm. 24)
Dream Eater (Tm. 82)
Silver Wind (Tm. 62)
Energy Ball (Tm. 53)
Psychic (Tm. 29)
Toxic (Tm. 06)
Water Pulse (Tm. 03)

I am willing to trade hte following pokemon for it:

Rayquaza Lv. 81
Kyoger Lv. 72
Groundon Lv. 70
Regice Lv. 40
Registeel Lv. 40
Regirock Lv. 40
Entei Lv. 50
Moltres Lv. 50+
Zapdos Lv. 50
Aricuno Lv. 50

I have a shiny diglet also but you'll have to offer me at least 3 tm's for it.

Oh, I also need 1 heart scale.

if you have any offers, pm me or post in this thread.
I'll give you the first six TMs for the first six Pokemon.


master blaster
ill give you something cool for the entie if he hasnt already


master blaster
thunderbolt,silver wind and heartscale?


master blaster
all i want is the entei my man, pm me if interested 62,24,heartscale


Well-Known Member
I'll give you the first six TMs for the first six Pokemon.

Fine deal. You'll just have to give me some time to pal park the first three across ok. Dang, just tried to migrate and it said not able to. My bro must've used my game to migrate pokemon across. Sorry, the