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looking for tms

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
ok im looking for the tms on this list will trade pokes just make an offer

thunderbolt, icebeam, pshychc, dragon pulse

i need about 4 of each so peopl if you can get me these tms just tell me what you want and ill see if i have it


I've got a couple, do you have any of these?:


kenny thunder

the lati tamer
i have a latias but otherwise i dont have any of those but since im very fond of latias im not sure if id trade you i am a lati master i only use 1 gameshark thing and that is the ability to breed the latis i have about 4 lati eggs but anyways id trade my latias (lvl 54 i think in th 50s at least) for 1 pshychc and 1 of any of the other tms but otherwise i rally wouldnt be up to it

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
most legendaries will cost you 2 tms the only legndary id trade for only 1 tm would be phione uhhh and rotom if you consider him a legendary i dont since you can breed him but some people do


i have a latias but otherwise i dont have any of those but since im very fond of latias im not sure if id trade you i am a lati master i only use 1 gameshark thing and that is the ability to breed the latis i have about 4 lati eggs but anyways id trade my latias (lvl 54 i think in th 50s at least) for 1 pshychc and 1 of any of the other tms but otherwise i rally wouldnt be up to it
I've got Psychic and Thunder Bolt that I can trade. (I assume you mean Psychic when you type pshychc)


i have a latias but otherwise i dont have any of those but since im very fond of latias im not sure if id trade you i am a lati master i only use 1 gameshark thing and that is the ability to breed the latis i have about 4 lati eggs but anyways id trade my latias (lvl 54 i think in th 50s at least) for 1 pshychc and 1 of any of the other tms but otherwise i rally wouldnt be up to it
I've got Psychic and Thunder Bolt that I can trade. (I assume you mean Psychic when you type pshychc)

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
yea my spelling sucs sorry ok my friend code is 1117 6883 6680 name is kenny ill get on now


hmmmmm i got dragon pulse, don't suppose you got a pidgey and a dratini you'd trade for just the tm if i attached it to a starter pokemon of your choice (except totodile and bulbasaur) or a aerodacytl/anorith/omanyte/cranidos? hmmmm you pick.

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
hmm i dont have a dratini would you take a lvl 6 dragonite got it when i was trying to clone a pokemon i cloned the pokemon but the guy got my clone but i got a useless lvl 6 dragonite would you take that instead?


hmmmm no thank you. don't worry about it then.

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
i dont have a pidgey either and you dont need to trade me any special poke just geta crap poke and i dont need any of those anyways so it would only be you giving up something extra

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
well thanks for the trading

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
anyone there?