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Looking to trade (Ultra)Sun Ultra Beasts for (Ultra)Moon Ultra Beasts


Eternity Engineer
So I'm in a rather unfortunate position; I need the Moon and Ultra Moon Ultra Beasts to finalize my collection of the lot, so I was hoping someone could help me out with this. I still need:


Would be more than happy to trade:

In exchange for one of each.

Alternatively, I have a couple pokemon with their Hidden Abilities if necessary (Tyrunt, Talonflame, all Johto, Unova and Alola starters, Greninja, Blaziken, Lucario). No one remotely near me can help me out with this, so I'd really appreciate the help if anyone can. Thanks!

Edit: I no longer need Pheromosa or Celesteela, but I still do need Stakataka, if anyone's able!
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So I'm in a rather unfortunate position; I need the Moon and Ultra Moon Ultra Beasts to finalize my collection of the lot, so I was hoping someone could help me out with this. I still need:

Would be more than happy to trade:

In exchange for one of each.

Alternatively, I have a couple pokemon with their Hidden Abilities if necessary (Tyrunt, Talonflame, all Johto, Unova and Alola starters, Greninja, Blaziken, Lucario). No one remotely near me can help me out with this, so I'd really appreciate the help if anyone can. Thanks!
I can help you with this. This is my first time dealing with this new format but please send me a private message so we can set up this trade! TY


New Member
I am also trying to fill my pokedex and all I need is a Stakataka, I have Blacephalon to trade. Thanks.