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Lord Sceptile's Sprites 2.0

Lord Sceptile

Active Member
My old thread died a slow and painful death, so here is another one!

This is my first chao and also my first animation, so what do you think?


I will take suggestions, but this is NOT a request thread.


Cool story.
Yes, you should make a Rayquaza or something and have it's tail (or the end of it's body) and make it wiggle around. Rayquaza is so cool....


christian 4ever
i will give it a b.......good but try better and you wil have exellent sprites...no to slow not to fast ........

Lord Sceptile

Active Member
Yes, you should make a Rayquaza or something and have it's tail (or the end of it's body) and make it wiggle around. Rayquaza is so cool....

Rayquaza would be way too hard to do for now. Maybe later but not now. I am working on a new animation for the wooper, and will have it up soon!


you amaze me.
awwwe. Tis very cute. &&IMO very good aswell! ^_^

Lord Sceptile

Active Member
Here is the chao just as a still image.

EDIT: Whenever I WBG a sprite and upload it to photobucket, the white background turns black. Does anyone know how to fix that.
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Lord Sceptile

Active Member
Sorry this has taken so long, I have been extremely busy lately.

Anyway, here are the final Wooper animations. I am really getting tired of looking at this chao.:)


Also, here are two new fusions that I have made. They are not the best, but I like them.
