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Lost Magic


Anybody like this game? I have it. Let's discuss it.^^

Does anybody know if this is a sequel to any other game? I would probably buy it. Do you think come out with a sequel to this? Does anybody have any made up spells you want to share? I'm sure we could come up with a spell for all the rest of the trio runes. Does anyone have any made up runes? If so, you could make it on paint and show everyone.


Shiny Hunter
Yo i love that game ill face you like l8r if you want... and i dont thing theres a sequel coming out
I have it.
Would face you if I had Wi-fi.
I'm still stuck on the Earth Boss (Evil Ending) I've capped my level and everything!

Haunter Hunter Sohrab

Johto Champion
I went to future shop today and nopticed that game was priced for $19.99 along with some other not so great games. Why is this? Is it that bad or is it that not many people have it?
Its good, just it didnt get the same Cult following as games like Phoenix Wright or Metroid Hunters. The story's a bit Cliche though, witch is a bit of a draw back, but the Spell drawings fun (Albeit too strict)


jenni is 14 :(
i hate this game :(

it's really fun casting the spells, but it just has too many problems in other areas (like no behavioral control over monsters and the ridiculous time limits) that it just ruins the fun =/


PokeTrainer Miki
I really like this game too, but i'm still way back in completing it since i don't have much time to play! :(