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Lots of spritely type things


meet me in the rain
I have quite a lot of spritely type things to share! There's some fusions, scratch sprites, revamps, devamps and trainer edits!





These were two of my first Pokemon sprites. The poses were pixelled over the Neo Revelations TCs for the two of them, but I did all the shading by hand. I may do Entei at some point, too.


A Advanced Gen. version of Jesse. I think this was my first trainer sprite edit (I know she used to be a swimmer!) so the outlines are all wrong. I might remake it at some point.


A completely-from-scratch sprite of Groudon on all fours. This sprite is kinda special to me, I'm really pleased with it still. I know the colours aren't the official sprite colours- I couldn't get them to work for me. So I did a Groudon in subdued colours. I really like how this pose came out.


My first devamp- Gardevoir in Pokemon Yellow's style. I quite like how it came out and intend to devamp some other Pokemon to this style, too.


Ah, the monstrosity that is Jynxsey, my first fusion (Chansey/Jynx). To be honest, I think Jynxsey is terrifying, but not bad for a first try.


Hyplax- a Hypno/Snorlax fusion. I was dared to make this. It's okay, its not amazing, though.


A Pikachu/Snorlax hybrid, Pikalax. Looks more like a very fat Pikachu to me.


And this is my first revamp- Yellow-style Zapdos revamped. I really love Yellow-Zapdos' pose, so I had to. Personally, I'm pretty pleased with it. I know the beak kinda sucks, but the rest is okay.


A trainer sprite edit that became Steven- or at least a version of Steven.
In a Pokemon project a friend and I are working on, Steven makes a cameo as one of our Elite 4 and this is what he looks like.
He comes to our region after he says he's going off to 'train on the road and do some soul-searching' at the end of Emerald. Plenty of time for him to let his hair grow out and change his clothes, methinks. I'm very, very happy with how this came out.


I made an edit of Steven, so naturally I had to make Wallace too. I'm happy with how this came out. I know the sprite is huge, but I don't really care. I drew the cloak he wears in the manga cus I think its prettier than the game version- it has a wing like look to it.

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
All pretty awsome! But 2 things bother me.
1. The Snorlax/Pikachu mix it's left ear looks displaced. It doesn't look like it's attached.
2. The two bottom spiked out yellow parts of the wings. The outlines look kinda iffy.

Overall however pretty awsome.


Brains for brawn

The Hypno/Snorlax is hilarious. It even beats the new Slaking sprite.
Zapdos' Revamp has a bit of an odd outline, but it's good everywhere else.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member

*steals the Suicune and runs away with it*

The outline is a bit dotty, but other than that, it's absolutely gorgeous.

The Raikou on the other hand, the legs look a bit off, the front ones. IE one on the left when you look head on at the sprite seems a little too long.

The 'devamp' Gardevoir is actually a recolor as it's just an RSE sprite recolored Yellow style. Good, but still, just a recolor.

The Groudon scratch reminds me of the fakemon on SPPnet.

The Jessie sprite scares me D: and the mixes are average. And the final sprites. Well, awsome o.o

overall you're a pretty decent spriter.


C Spriter
no crit, but thery're too good to say nothing. how long have you been spriting?


Serebii's Ninja
love the groudon scratch, and older steven.

kuro mizu

.//SPPF's Emo Ninja+
I have to say, those suicunes are beautiful O.O

As for jessies hair, it look flat, compared to the anime, where it has a little volume. Maybe "give jessie some volumizing shampoo" if you know what I mean, and It will look much better.

As for the zapados revamp, its amazing.

Good job -.^


meet me in the rain
Hey, thanks everyone. I've been making pixel type things for quite some time, but I started making Pokemon sprites this summer. I'll bear your critique in mind, thanks :D

pokeboy sarab

well your groudon was awesome and the mixes were good but the only problem is coming with jessie's hair as kuro mizo said its too flat

overall you are a great spriter


The Groundon looks weird, try to extreme devamp and The Snorlax/Pikachu is a tad to bright.
Other than that Whoah!


WOW, I really wish I could use that Jynxey in my signature! May I?

Good Job! I like the new Steven, but the new Wallace just seems a little odd to me. His right hand is a little...oh heck, I don't know! Awesome Sprites!

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
much better than me LOL
can i use ur steven older sprite in my comic?????
FULL credit to you duh even tho comic wont get on the web...
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