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Love, Pokémon Style! (269)


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Love, Pokémon Style! (269)

Love, Pokémon Style!

In the Group Battles, Ash is against a girl called Macey who has a crush on him. She battles with fire Pokémon. Will Ash be able to beat her with his Water Pokémon including his old buddy Squirtle?

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I thought this was a cool episode. It was so funny when Misty and Macey were arguing with each other and thank god Ash won! I don't know what Misty would do if that happened...XD 9.0/10


Ace Trainer
This eppy is so cute. Macey wasn't that bad though. She was an excellent fire trainer. Even though it was cute seeing Ash and Macey together at the time. It was actually good seeing those girls argue but Macey made it very short by leaving for the match.


Team Awesome
I have to admit, Macy was one of the more interesting love interests for Ash. I like the goo-goo eyes she gets when Ash saves her. :) I don't think they have a prayer, but Macy was an interesting character.


Just goes to show you in this episode Ash is just not interested in love. Even when Macy and Misty are arguing over him he just walks away. Either that or he's just smart to stay out of 2 girls arguing. :D


Defender of Justice
This episode showed why Squirtle is HARD.
Beating an electric type, then going on to beat Quilava SINGLE-HANDEDLY just shows who is the mon.

C.J. Ray

I wanted Shaymin! :(
Are they ever gonna make Ash enter puberty and fall in love with someone? Nah, the writers just milk out the Pokemon battles, they wouldn't care if Ash was a...(ahem)

Anyways, great battle. Even though Macey had an Electabuzz to counter water Pokemon and defeated Phanpy to take away Ash's only advantage, Squirtle was able to take it down, and then even on its back, Squirtle blasted away with Hydro Pump for the win. Of course, May's Squirtle is far better because it has Ice Beam. (shot for bringing May into a Johto episode discussion)


this episode did just go here in norway but we just have a little vacation from
the hoenn region this summer


I'll learn you good!
Interesting note: the VA who played Macey (Kerry Williams) also played Kasey (name coincidence?), who always wanted an Electabuzz, which Macey has. Pretty weird casting choice, eh?
PokeTrainer7783 said:
Just goes to show you in this episode Ash is just not interested in love. Even when Macy and Misty are arguing over him he just walks away. Either that or he's just smart to stay out of 2 girls arguing. :D
Heh, I think he's just dense. Since Macy was being blatantly obvious about it (and Misty just tends to beat around the bush), he knew Macy was into him, and just saw Misty yelling at Macy as a nice thing a friend would do. *sigh* Ash Ketchum, how many times does Misty have to hit you over the head before you get it...;munchlax;
This episode, I really liked, Macy having a crush on Ash, then Ash not realizing it,lol
Macey is like..... the alter-form of Misty. Same hair color, fire-water type favourites.....


Punk Rock > You
I like this ep. I like the battle more though. I didn't like the end with the evolution of her Slugma.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought that the crush that Macey had on Ash was cute. It looks like Team Rocket did some good in the world, because she probably wouldn't have had the crush if Ash didn't have to save her Vulpix. I also liked how Misty was sticking up for Ash. It was obvious that she was jealous that Macey wanted to go out on a date with Ash. I thought that Ash and Macey's battle was pretty good. I thought that Phanpy did an excellent jo in defeating Slugma. Then however, Macey's Quilava was powerful as well. Especially since it defeated Phanpy and nearly Squirtle. I thought that Squirtle was extremely powerful. You can tell that the work from the Squirtle Squad really elped its battling. I thought that Macey made a smart move by choosing Electabuzz, but Ash was well prepared. I thought it was cute how Macey's Slugma evolved into Magcargo and she said it will always remind her of Ash.