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lowest level hall of fame

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hooray, it's Jetx!
12 hours on my sapphire, and something like 18 hours on my emerald, but there is someone called pokemon master pika on this who has done it in less than 5 hours!


Hoenn Champion
My team had 2 pokemon in there 20's, Linoone lv21 and Lombre lv28. I think that this is what you are looking for but I am not sure so tell me if I am wrong.


probably 40's for me, i think 20's is to low id end up constanly reviveing them and my whole team would just faint before i had a chance to make it all the way to the champion

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member

I had some others but the lowest is an EGG.


< It's Passion Pink!
The first time through, my lowest was a L50 Linoone. (The rest of my team was L51-52; I balance train.) Later, I brought a L50 Regice through it.

Fire Red's a different story: I recently brought a L3 Pidgey, a L5 Cleffa, a L8 Magikarp, a L8 shiny Hoppip, and a L5 Delibird through a single challenge. (the other party member just happened to be a L85 shiny Dragonite. XD!)
jetx said:
12 hours on my sapphire, and something like 18 hours on my emerald, but there is someone called pokemon master pika on this who has done it in less than 5 hours!
yeah,and im king of atlantis the lost empire....


yeah,and im king of atlantis the lost empire....
lol funny. i beat it in under 10 hours or something like that

DJ Panic!

My lowest level team was in Sapphire when i didn't notice that i had all pokemon under Lv.40,but i beat them any way.
The Team: (This was my team in training)
Please do not ask how i beat them(My friend laughed when he looked at my Hall Of Fame, also to add,these were my pokemon in the game,i didn't fell like training alot)


Dragon Master
Lv:30 - Lv:35 is my lowest. People think I'm nuts for even trying, but I win anyway. No I'm not kidding. Normally I get through with Pokemon about Lv:35 - Lv:45 though. And beating the league with a single Lv:70 is nothing, don't brag about something like that. My battles against Wallace and Juan take AGES, up to even half and hour. Double Team helps against Wallace's Ludocolo, as I can't take it out before it gets three or four done.


Leave my posts alone
TyraniRay said:
Lv:30 - Lv:35 is my lowest. People think I'm nuts for even trying, but I win anyway. No I'm not kidding. Normally I get through with Pokemon about Lv:35 - Lv:45 though. And beating the league with a single Lv:70 is nothing, don't brag about something like that. My battles against Wallace and Juan take AGES, up to even half and hour. Double Team helps against Wallace's Ludocolo, as I can't take it out before it gets three or four done.
I'm assuming that was aimed at me. Despite a Lv 70 Kyogre in ny team at the time, I only posted this up not to brag, but as a simple reply.

P.S: I also hate Double Team in the opponents advantage! It's ok for me, but they don't care! Hehehe!!!

Guitar dude bill

It's here, it's near
grrr. i think everyones getting the wrong idea! Look at absolutes post. what level the team you were mainly using. i don't mind time but don't just post of what you brang along with you. i brang along a lvl 5 once and that's nothing into a record. it's nothing more than spam saying something so pointless. so don't in the future post replies about what you brang along. i only care if you actuall did some damages


My Heads Exploding!!
Ok i had a Beldum lv10 in the league!

Guitar dude bill

It's here, it's near
Poke391 said:
Ok i had a Beldum lv10 in the league!
I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only ones you actually used and fought with(and survived more than two hits at least!).
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