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Lucario and The Mystery of Mew

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Pokemon Champ
It's an awsome movie. I have it on dvd with the other disc. In Lucario and The Mystery of Mew, my favorite part was when Lucario was attacking Ash because I thought Lucario was really going to literally kill Ash this time. In the second disc, my favorite part was when the guy created Mirage Mewtwo because he said it was resistant to all types of pokemon even though all the other pokemon beat Mirage Mewtwo. My other favorite part of the 2nd disc was when he was about to turn Ash's Pikachu into a Mirage pokemon.
This definatly doesn't belong in the discussion of the movie.


Old Coot
Kyogrestargirl!, look for the topic regarding the movie in the Episode Discussion section. You didn't need to make this thread.

n@nd0, use [img139]http://www.serebiiforums.com/images/buttons/edit.gif[/img139] next time instead of [img139]http://www.serebiiforums.com/images/buttons/reply.gif[/img139] when you make a mistake with your post. ~~; And Lucario is NOT a legendary. However, Manaphy has a Baby form known as Fione, though it does not evolve at all.
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