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Lucario Rank Woes...


~sparkle and shine~
So I finally got Lucario Rank, level 72, and I have the friend ribbon. Yay!
I thought all my troubles were ended... yet...
1. No Ho-oh.
2. No Groudon.
3. No QUILAVA from Fiery Field... those things make me sad.
4. No Mew.
5. No Lucario Statue! Where is it?
Just thought I'd share my whining... I know that those are hard recruits, but I guess I just thought my luck would magically improve once I hit Lucario Rank... although Serebii.net says Ho-Oh is a 99% recruit rate... is that wrong?


Well-Known Member
No. You may be going there with way too big a size, though. That's what I did the first time I fought him(I forgot Salamence was a size two, not one). Some will still be hard, yes, but some of these may just be because of size...

Cain Nightroad

Lucario Statue is on the right side of the screen near your house. It is near the Bonsly Statue, if you have it. Look on the main site, and you'll see apicture if you go to Reward Statues on the MD part of the site.

I think you have to beat Ho-Oh at least one time so it can join you. Do you have Rainbow Peak?

Groudon will join you with the friend bow, and with the Pokemon that is level 72.

Mew: Just hunt. Look in the dialogue box on floors 36-98 of Buried Relic for Mew used Transform! or Mew picked up (insert item here). Take around 15 steps. If it doesn't say that in the box, move on. I got mine in a monster house.

Just get a Cyndaquil from Joyous Tower. If you have to have a Quilava, then use the friend bow.


Well-Known Member
Remember, your mailbox may not be full or else you WON'T be able to get your statue. Go empty it and you should have it next morning.


Well-Known Member
You can't recruit Ho-oh until the second time you face it. The same goes for Mewtwo and the legendary dogs. Also, Groudon is very hard to recruit because it has a -10% recruit rate.


~sparkle and shine~
So ok... I couldn't figure out what the deal was with the Quilava... until you guys pointed out that it's a CYNDAQUIL I should be after. Wow. I can't BELIEVE I had conviced myself that Quilava was the starter... my life makes so much more sense now *lol*. That was a really special moment for me, I felt dumb. :)
And thanks for the tip about the mailbox being full, I ran an Oran Berry to Tiny Woods and the next day there was my statue!
I'm tempted to go after Groudon now, although I don't want to press my luck... but I guess "luck" isn't really involved if you're just making silly mistakes. :)


Well-Known Member
For Quilava, though, are you above at least 50 wearing a Friend Bow, or at 90 without the Friend Bow? Otherwise, you're not gettin' it.


You can't recruit Ho-oh until the second time you face it. The same goes for Mewtwo and the legendary dogs. Also, Groudon is very hard to recruit because it has a -10% recruit rate.

My friend recruited Ho-oh on his first visit. I was there. So don't go: Oh he might have lied blah-dee-blah!


Well-Known Member
Uhm, it's impossble for the storyline to get him on the first thing. Not unlikely, but impossible. He either lied and told you it was his first, or you're thinking of "first-able-to-get-him-try" instead of first battle.


~sparkle and shine~
For Quilava, though, are you above at least 50 wearing a Friend Bow, or at 90 without the Friend Bow? Otherwise, you're not gettin' it.
I was at level 72 without the friend bow last time I tried for a Quilava... Since I realized my mistake with the names I'm just going to evolve a Cyndaquil bc I love evolving things. :)


Gust of Wind
so after you beat ho-oh the first time and go back and battle him for the second time, he will 100% join you? O_O *glances at gba sp and comp screen for a response*

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
wats soo good about being lucario rank...... people just say it's because there will be a stupid stratue woopdeedoo!!

can anyone explain the goodness of the lucario rank?


PokeMon Professor
Lucario rank is so good because it makes recruitment a little easier, and you're a little closer to game completion.