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Lucario Vs Regigigas!

SAY WHAT? What on Earth did you say?


Ooh, maaaan!
Man, why do the dumbest people always post on the GOOD art threads?

Screw whatever the hell Lugia Trainer's talking about, 'cos your picture here's fantastic. Dynamic, interesting, colourful, I wouldn't be surprised if it won something in this contest of yours.


Mew King

It's black magic!
That picture is one of the best I've seen on this forums. I give you five cookies for your awesome work. But I have one question, it doesn't look like anyone is about to launch an attack, is that what you want?


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Maybe it's just the angle, but it doesn't look like Lucario is actually looking directly at Regigigas. Nevetheless, it looks fantastic otherwise. Are Regigigas' glowing "eyes" being used as the light source, by any chance? If so, that's a really nice idea. If not...well, I still like it!

Love to see the full-size version, or at least one that's somewhat larger. (Photobucket can go up to 1024 x 1024 pixels, and DA lets you do even larger than that)


The Plot Thickens
Fantabulous. on a scale from 1 to 10, i give an 11.


Boulder Trainer
Maybe it's just the angle, but it doesn't look like Lucario is actually looking directly at Regigigas. Nevetheless, it looks fantastic otherwise. Are Regigigas' glowing "eyes" being used as the light source, by any chance? If so, that's a really nice idea. If not...well, I still like it!

Love to see the full-size version, or at least one that's somewhat larger. (Photobucket can go up to 1024 x 1024 pixels, and DA lets you do even larger than that)

Yes,the light source are Regigigas eyes (and Lucario is aiming his punch at its stomach)

About the light source,theres something I want to point at:

I was going to add a Blue energy orb on Lucarios right hand,But didnt liked the result so I removed it...
but If u look at his "Goofy-like" ears,ull notice they re still reflecting the light from the energy orb I removed!! ^^

EDIT:Heres the link to its original size:


That is one cool picture. I couldn't do that even if I tried.

Flame Haze SnS

Whoa...That's a really good art there! :) I agree that Lucario isn't looking at Regigiga, instead, it's looking at Regigiga's 'groin'. The 'horn' on Lucario's paw looked a little different. It looked like it's on Lucario's knuckles rather than on its backhand.

Anyway, Kudos to ya for really good drawing and coloring! ^_^

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
My only problem is how Lu's head is positioned, it doesn't look like he's looking and Regigi, well not the right way- tbh to me it looks like he's staring at a leg or Regigi's groin >>' if the head was tilted up slightly, then it would look right, that's the only problem I have with the pic imo.


Salingerian Phony
I'd have to say that this is amazing. I don't think I'll ever reach that stage of artistic ability. It looks like something straight form the TCG--the Pokémon's appearances and every detail are spot-on, the backgrounds lend themselves to the emotional impact, and they're not just posing for the camera.

In response to the people saying that Lucairo isn't staring down (or up, in this case) at Regigigas, remember that Regigigas has no actual face to stare to. Unlike the other Regi's, Regigigas doesnt even have a clearly defined are to look at if, say, you want to talk with him or something.

Lucairo seems to be a great deal more detailed and carefully-drawn than Regigigas though. Lucario reflects the perspective (three-point perspectives are always more difficult than other points of perspective) precisely, but no so for Regigigas. Regigigas doesn't quite look like he's seen from below, particularly at the top of him: The foliage at the top sticks out too much; it should barely be visible. The left and right glowing lights don't align either, which makes the black stripes at the top look unever. Lastly, the seven black dots are identically perfect circles, which shouldn't exist from such a skewed angle as this.

Then again, Lucario may be intentionally staring at Regigigas' groin, since that's where his punches will hurt the most.


<!Seizure Enducing!>
yeah I love it, it looks so pro, keep it up! I dont really have any ways to improve, it's that good.

Well done!