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Kim and Kam Fan

Huge Anabel Fan
This is strange,if lucario can talk,then does this make lucario the first talking pokemon

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Um...no. There was also the Yadoking from the second movie, the Ghos from the Summer Festival, Myuutwo and his psychic communication skills...and, oh yeah, that Nyasu that's been a main character on the show since the second episode.


the ralts max left it also said to him that he should promise to come back or something like that.... was telepathy or something like that, but it also "talked" to him in some way


Slowking Forget about him?

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
A lot of those only talked through psychic powers and probably shouldn't be considered "talking", since they were only projecting their thoughts. Now things like Slowking or Gastly talk, since they actually move their mouths to speak.

And did you kinda miss the whole thing with Meowth talking? It's kinda a major plot point.


Powerplay Champion
yeah... umm,
meowth anyone?


Old Coot
Okay, to clear it all up and end everyone repeating themselves..

Lucario spoke through telepathy. It was understandable human language to everyone because he spoke directly to them with his mind, rather than by mouth. When Lucario did speak with his mouth, all we would hear is a small growl. Legendary Pokemon have used telepathy before to communicate; Mewtwo, Lugia, Entei and Jirachi. Even a special Lapras has communicated with the group via telepathy before.

The ONLY three Pokemon that have spoken human language with their mouths has been the Ghos that appeared as the maiden and old crone from "Ghost of Maiden's Peak", Nyasu of the Rocket Gang, and the Yadoking who aided Satoshi in the second movie. That's it.
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