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lucky egg


Lan challenges you!
In the pokedex says it appears in 10% of times...
I have the gameshark to make appear chanseys

If I catch a hundred chansey 10 will have the lucky egg?


No because it's like rolling a dice. There's no guarantee that if you catch 60 Chansey's 6 will have LuckyEgg, that if you catch 70 7 will have it, etc.


Completing The Trio
In the pokedex says it appears in 10% of times...
I have the gameshark to make appear chanseys

If I catch a hundred chansey 10 will have the lucky egg?

no thats no necessarily true it just means that if you catch a chansey there is a 10% chance of it holding a lucky egg

you could catch 100 chanseys and none of them could be holding the lucky egg

and if you have a gameshark why don't you just get the lucky egg item that way, it still cheating either way

Darkmaster Rannon

Thundercats Hoo!
wait? you want the lucky egg and got a GS but use it to catch Chanseys instead of getting the eggs? weird..


I like pie.
it's like a coin flip. if i flip it ten times can i guarentee that it will be heads 5 times? no. usually it will be roughly that number, maybe 4 or 6 or even 7 times, if i'm lucky.

so no, it doesn't mean that you will absolutely certainly get 10 lucky eggs. but you will probably get somewhere around that number.

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
it's like a coin-flip there is no guarante that any of the chanseys you catch will have a single lucky egg