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Lucky Pokemon Card


Leh Gardevoir Boy
OK, I might just be weird, or not, but who has a lucky Pokemon card??

I do. A Sabrina's Porygon. I bring it with me everyday! (hidden ofcourse)

;488; ;488; ;488; ;488; ;488; ;488; ;488; ;488;


Come at me bro.
mine is aggron ex but i dont carry it around with me


I'm baaaaaack
I have a card I used to pwn everyone with. A Groudon EX. I don't carry it around though. ¬¬;


< Ho ho ho
I never had pokemon cards, just the games


dragon rider knight
My lucky pokemon cards are jungle series Arcanine , jungle series Rapadash, and fossil series Magmar. Jungle Arcanine is an awsome card for me; it pulls through for me the most.