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Lugia at B99F in Silver Trench


Well-Known Member
Check out the tactics I used.

I used Team VBA's Jirachi to attack Lugia.
Using Shadow Ball and Thunder!

Jirachi used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective!
Lugia took 133 damage!
Lugia's Sp.Def. dropped!
- Talk about BLAM!

Jirachi used Thunder!
It's super effective!
Lugia took 190 damage!
Lugia is paralyzed! it cannot move!
- Talk about BOOM!

When delivering the final blow...
Jirachi attacked!
Lugia took 44 damage!
Lugia was defeated!
- Talk about CRASH!

Then Lugia will join your team.

Give me your best technique.


Better then you
Here's what I did.

Blastoise used Bite
Lugia took 312 damage
Lugia is cringing
Blastoise used Hydro Cannon
Lugia took 746 damage
Lugia was defeated

Then he joined my team.

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
I was almost to Lugia but my cousin re-started my game... :(


Well-Known Member
I would use a level 55 Pikachu.
And have Thunder+8 (using Ginseng)
and raised its special attack (using Calcium)
And having Shockwave as a ranged move.
And have Max Elixir on backup.
And having Thundershock and Thunderbolt before getting to Lugia.

I start attacking Lugia by using Shockwave And zap it with Thunder to defeat him.
Blastoise used bite.
300 damage.
Lugia attacked.
1 damage.
Blastoise used bite.
300 damage.
Lugia attacked.
1 damage.
Blastoise used bite.
300 damage.
Lugia was defeated.
Yes! Lugia would like to join your team.

My Blastoise was at level 70 btw.


<--will be mine
Lugia really wasn't that difficult...

Indigo (Marowak) used Ice Beam!
(Lugia moves forward a step)
Indigo attacked!
Lugia was defeated!
Yes! Lugia would like to join your team!

Now, Jirachi is a challenge...Lugia really isn't.


Gust of Wind
Swampert used Earthquake

Swampert used Surf x 2

BINGO - Lugia joined ya'


Well-Known Member
I just used Blastoise and beat him quite easy


Drifblim landing!
Aggron used Ice Beam.
The attack was Super effective Lugia took 201 damage.
Aggron use Thunderbolt+1
The attack was Super effective Lugia took 318 damage.
Lugia used Gust
Aggron took 1 damage
Aggron used Iron Tail
Lugia took 445 damage
Lugia wants to join your team!


Free Runner
Meh... I just used a Linked Dragon Claw... Dragon claw+Dragon claw+Dragon claw= DRAGON CRUSH!! ^^, Didn't Even Make one attack...


my first time i killed it

TOTADILE (level 56) DIVE

(the powder snow would have killed it pretty fast (500 damage) lol


Boulder Trainer
Charmillion used flamethrower

charmillion used fire blast

lugia used gust

charmillion used fire blast

lugia wants to join the team.

lugia was the weakest ledgendary i beat.


I won't give up!
I beat it with my Pikachu. Sadly enough , I don't know the exact damage anymore.

Pikachu used Thunderwave + Thundershock
Lugia can't move
Pikachu used Thunderbolt
Lugia would like to join your team!

Yeah , it was quite easy...


In Nintendo Exhile
Lugia is probably a pushover, b/c the stupid Dewgongs keep killing you with Sheer Cold every time after Slowking puts you to sleep. Compared to them, Lugia is a pushover, even for Meganium(yes, really)

Meganium used Razor Leaf+4
It is not very effective
Lugia took 240 damage
(Lugia takes 1 step forward)
Meganium used Razor Leaf
A Critical Hit!
It is not very effective!
Lugia took 480 damage
Lugia was defeated.

Lugia joined Team Sci-fi'ers (don't ask why I picked that name).


ooo, what's cooking?
um, u guys do kno that Lugia has a 99.9% chance to join ur team if u at lvl 1 when u beat it, even on ur first try fighting it unlik other legendds. If u r lvl 100 with friend bow, u have a 122% chance for him to join :D

Pikachu lvl 100 uses Thunder
deals 999 damage
lugia dies and would like to join ur team!