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Lugia in XD (stupid Ho-oh T.T)

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
Well some of you may know that I just took on Mt.battle in collo. well I had this really stupid idea that if you save before you fight the last person, beat him and when it says after you see Ho-oh "do you want to save your poke coupons and such" I said no. I went to the story mode and looked in my PC....there was no Ho-oh T.T I went back to mt.baatle to my save file (continue) and it said there was to save file!!! I was so ****** T.T

I though you can save befoe you beat the last person,look at your Ho-oh, if he's no good restart and try again....but no :(

So is there a way I can try over again and again to get Lugia. its been awhile sense I beat XD so I can't remember. like save catch lugia and see his nature and his IV's then restart? can I do that?

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
You can keep going back to Citadark Isle and defeating Greevil over and over, but about your Ho-Oh, the Mt.Battle Ho-Oh thing is if you take 6 pokemon through without saving, restarting, or switching pokemon. Then at the end you will get Ho-Oh.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you can reset for a perfect Lugia, and when it asks to save after the end credits, say no, you`ll still have the Lugia


Well-Known Member
This is what i did for Lugia:

-Saved right in front of teleporter
-Brought 5 pokes with me
-Threw Masterball and caught Lugia
-Then you battle Greevile
-I looked at Lugias Stats(yes i know you cant look at the nature but you can kinda tell if its a good one or not)


Veteran smartass
defeat lugia the first time....then just put pokes into all 9 purification chambers with maxed tempo--->go to citadark island-->save before elevator->matserball on lugia-->defeat greevile->dont save-->put lugia in the chamber->look stats->they suck-->reset-->repeat o.o


Toon link
yeh it does ...

if you catch lugia make sure you have maxed tempo's in the purifying chamber then beet greevil purify it not the correct nature reset and battle greevil agen wish you can do the same with ho-oh


Well-Known Member
defeat lugia the first time....then just put pokes into all 9 purification chambers with maxed tempo--->go to citadark island-->save before elevator->matserball on lugia-->defeat greevile->dont save-->put lugia in the chamber->look stats->they suck-->reset-->repeat o.o

That won't work because the first time you meet a Pokémon the stats are set. Just set up the purification chamber before you meet Lugia for the first time.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
Also make sure you defeat mt battle in computer mode rather than in-game mode. In-game wont give you ho-oh.

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
Aw damn, sorry bout your ho-oh. :( That happened to my friend, he got so angry that he threw his controller at the wall and it broke..


Well-Known Member
I got ho-oh in 4 days :D.(i left gamecube on the whole time:):
lugia was the easiest to catch. i used an ultra ball on it. i used master ball on dragonite


Rev up those fryers
Wait, so If i suspend my challenge (Ho-oh in collo) I wont ever get Ho-oh?