Metroid Hunter
I would like a Oval Shape Banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to three): Kahili, Baile Form Oriocorio, and Swellow
Images popping out?(all,or specific images: Doesn’t matter, do whatever you think looks best.
Foreground Image(if you want): N/A
Text: Sky High
Text Font ( www.dafont.com ) : whatever font you like best.
sig use?: I do plan on using it in my sig.
background colors: Sky blue and white.
anything special: Nope. Just want to tell you that I love your work.
sure thing and thank you for the nice comment I hope you enjoy the banner I make for you ^_^ accepted
@everyone that commented for there art: your most welcome gald you like them hope to see you soon again ^_^