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Lunar Subterrane Graphics


Metroid Hunter
I would like a Oval Shape Banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to three): Kahili, Baile Form Oriocorio, and Swellow
Images popping out?(all,or specific images: Doesn’t matter, do whatever you think looks best.
Foreground Image(if you want): N/A
Text: Sky High
Text Font ( www.dafont.com ) : whatever font you like best.
sig use?: I do plan on using it in my sig.
background colors: Sky blue and white.
anything special: Nope. Just want to tell you that I love your work.

sure thing and thank you for the nice comment I hope you enjoy the banner I make for you ^_^ accepted

@everyone that commented for there art: your most welcome gald you like them hope to see you soon again ^_^


Write on
I would like a Star Shape Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 2 sprites max): Rufflet
Glare(yes or no): Yes
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?: 6th gen 3d model
animated?(yes or no): Yes
if yes which one?(only one animated please): Rufflet
gradient color: Red and blue
text: AmericanPi
special notes: Can the stars themselves be white? So I'd love for a red and blue gradient, but white stars. I plan on using this userbar in my signature after November 1st, which is the sign-up deadline for the Shippers' Secret Santa. Thanks!


Metroid Hunter
I would like a Star Shape Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 2 sprites max): Rufflet
Glare(yes or no): Yes
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?: 6th gen 3d model
animated?(yes or no): Yes
if yes which one?(only one animated please): Rufflet
gradient color: Red and blue
text: AmericanPi
special notes: Can the stars themselves be white? So I'd love for a red and blue gradient, but white stars. I plan on using this userbar in my signature after November 1st, which is the sign-up deadline for the Shippers' Secret Santa. Thanks!

sorry my internet was down for a good 3 days plus getting ready for a con and work...I will try to get this done before november 1st right before i go to the convention as well as the other request accepted

3 spots left!


Last two requests done and i will take requests however they will not be done until after november 5 since i be away for a con for 4 days...

Victorian Rush:

I hope i did it good for you enjoy :) it should be sig safe according to my photoshop width and length but double check with the sig check thread and let me know if i still need to resize it...



Here you go pi I hope you like it :D


all spots open again!
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Victorian Rush

Weather Manipulator
Victorian Rush:

I hope i did it good for you enjoy :) it should be sig safe according to my photoshop width and length but double check with the sig check thread and let me know if i still need to resize it...


That looks amazing, much better than I imagined it would be. Thank you so much, I absolutely love it.


Demon Child
I would like a Star Shape Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 2 sprites max): Espeon
Glare(yes or no): Yes
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?: 6th Gen 3D Model
animated?(yes or no): Yes
if yes which one?(only one animated please): Espeon
gradient color: Magenta and purple.
text: Ery
special notes: I really want it to go with the Psychic Type theme, which I am using. Also, can you make the stars white?


Tactician's Gambit
I would like two avatar profile pictures from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please (I didn't see a limit on avatars so I'm only going to request 2 at once if you don't mind),

Image(only 1): https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...a8/Leaf.png/revision/latest?cb=20151107064652
Text( www.dafont.com ): https://www.dafont.com/8bit-wonder.font
Colors: Blue background
anything special: Stars around Lief, like a galaxy-like glow to it. The text would say "Lief"

Image(only 1): https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...Artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20160912015319
Text( www.dafont.com ): https://www.dafont.com/8bit-wonder.font
Colors: Pink background
anything special: Glittery please! The text would read, "Nanna"
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Metroid Hunter
I would like a Star Shape Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 2 sprites max): Espeon
Glare(yes or no): Yes
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?: 6th Gen 3D Model
animated?(yes or no): Yes
if yes which one?(only one animated please): Espeon
gradient color: Magenta and purple.
text: Ery
special notes: I really want it to go with the Psychic Type theme, which I am using. Also, can you make the stars white?

sorry about the late response been busy after the con accepted

I would like two avatar profile pictures from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please (I didn't see a limit on avatars so I'm only going to request 2 at once if you don't mind),

Image(only 1): https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...a8/Leaf.png/revision/latest?cb=20151107064652
Text( www.dafont.com ): https://www.dafont.com/8bit-wonder.font
Colors: Blue background
anything special: Stars around Lief, like a galaxy-like glow to it. The text would say "Lief"

Image(only 1): https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...Artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20160912015319
Text( www.dafont.com ): https://www.dafont.com/8bit-wonder.font
Colors: Pink background
anything special: Glittery please! The text would read, "Nanna"

anything that isn't a userbar,link button or text banners i normally do one per request however I accept it this time....accepted


Shiny Hunter
Oh hey Fairy, I have an request :)

link button Form

I would like a link button from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

animated(yes): https://38.media.tumblr.com/2c95cfcbfb76e72a7fd63cbcbb5f1b7c/tumblr_my8el4EoUs1scncwdo1_500.gif // http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/64591ec...e7ac/8a1d158d-b47d-4314-8c54-9d87f11bf406.gif
Sprite: See links above
Text: Multi Battle Fan
colors: Colours that compliment plusle and minum (same colour pallete?). Text colour maybe white so it will be readable.. feel free to experiment with it !
anything else special:

Could you make 2 Userbars? Everything can stay the same but just replace the GIF with the other GIF.


Metroid Hunter
Oh hey Fairy, I have an request :)

link button Form

I would like a link button from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

animated(yes): https://38.media.tumblr.com/2c95cfcbfb76e72a7fd63cbcbb5f1b7c/tumblr_my8el4EoUs1scncwdo1_500.gif // http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/64591ec...e7ac/8a1d158d-b47d-4314-8c54-9d87f11bf406.gif
Sprite: See links above
Text: Multi Battle Fan
colors: Colours that compliment plusle and minum (same colour pallete?). Text colour maybe white so it will be readable.. feel free to experiment with it !
anything else special:

Could you make 2 Userbars? Everything can stay the same but just replace the GIF with the other GIF.

hey azulart sorry for the late response got busy and plus sick anyway i can do that link button for you which your a friend of mine so yeah i can do the userbars on top of it too for ya ;) accepted


Shiny Hunter
hey azulart sorry for the late response got busy and plus sick anyway i can do that link button for you which your a friend of mine so yeah i can do the userbars on top of it too for ya ;) accepted

Aw I am sorry but I mean with userbar the same thing as in the format I requested in.. Might be a little bit confusing hihi.

SO scratch the userbar word, its still the Link button.

Thanks Fairy <3


Metroid Hunter
Aw I am sorry but I mean with userbar the same thing as in the format I requested in.. Might be a little bit confusing hihi.

SO scratch the userbar word, its still the Link button.

Thanks Fairy <3

sure so you want two link buttons then? if i am getting this correctly if not i just do the one link button XD


Metroid Hunter
Yes two link buttons, design can stay the same just replace one GIF with the other :)

okie dokie then I will try to get started on all the requests soon as i get a chance since ultra sun and moon came out XD thank you for answering back so i can understand better ;)

hope this is what you want enjoy sorry for the wait been busy



so hope this what you wanted added stars for leif and sparkle/glitter effect to nanna :) enjoy!


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AYyyy Fairy! Back from another banner!

animation banner Form

I would like a animation banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to 2): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d3/13/a4/d313a46e47b6c8360650e22cc0b89fb4.gif (gif and is back) and if you can chose an image of L from death note in front cause I trust your amazing taste :)
image background foreground:
Gif animation image:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d3/13/a4/d313a46e47b6c8360650e22cc0b89fb4.gif
if the gif is too big what part should i keep?: Just L with the cake i guess
Text: I'm childish and I hate to lose
text font (www.dafont.com): Do a font that matches the overall theme over comedy and fun
anything else special: Make it look funny/comedic


Metroid Hunter
AYyyy Fairy! Back from another banner!

animation banner Form

I would like a animation banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to 2): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d3/13/a4/d313a46e47b6c8360650e22cc0b89fb4.gif (gif and is back) and if you can chose an image of L from death note in front cause I trust your amazing taste :)
image background foreground:
Gif animation image:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d3/13/a4/d313a46e47b6c8360650e22cc0b89fb4.gif
if the gif is too big what part should i keep?: Just L with the cake i guess
Text: I'm childish and I hate to lose
text font (www.dafont.com): Do a font that matches the overall theme over comedy and fun
anything else special: Make it look funny/comedic

sorry for the late response been busy accepted


Well-Known Member
Color Tech banner Form

I would like a Color Tech banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Type (1 or 2): 1
Image (1 image): http://www.halcyonba.com/wp-content...ken-coloring-pages-5a2de7ece5746-970x1277.png
fist line text: Blitz
smaller sub text: 2423-7921-1512
Color: Blazy Metallic Red
anything important to note: nothing really as my name and FC is readable. you can also put your username for credits at the bottom right

hope you okay with this
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Metroid Hunter
Color Tech banner Form

I would like a Color Tech banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Type (1 or 2): 1
Image (1 image): http://www.halcyonba.com/wp-content...ken-coloring-pages-5a2de7ece5746-970x1277.png
fist line text: Blitz
smaller sub text: 2423-7921-1512
Color: Blazy Metallic Red
anything important to note: nothing really as my name and FC is readable. you can also put your username for credits at the bottom right

hope you okay with this

I was looking at your image looks like it off from deviant art need to wide search it to double check if its tomycase i did get approved to use his work however need to credit but otherwise either way i can do this but if its from deviantart account i didn't get permission i can't use that image.