• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

    However, remember to keep your passwords secure. If you use similar logins on multiple sites, people and even bots may be able to access your account.

    We always recommend using unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication if possible. Make sure you are secure.
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Lunar Subterrane Graphics


Metroid Hunter

Welcome to Lunar Subterrane Graphics, a shop that is here to serve serebii with artwork for your guilds,trade shops, and signatures. I first would like to Introduce myself FairyWitch which I would love to help serebii members have there signatures look fresh and presentable. I first of would like to say that Art has been my passion for the longest time as a traditional artist which I have gone to school for teaching Art but never had the funds to finish. I may not be a graphic's design student but I always work hard on striving to get better at the digital graphics side and the only reason I have gotten so into is when i joined serebii for the first time. I started of coming to the art shop section and got inspired from my friend's art shop which I was one of his customers before becoming friends and which some of you guys use to know him Mew which he is known as ~light now with his name change which his shop use to be called Mew Universe which later was called Candlelight Graphics. I just want to say if it wasn't for him I would of never made it today here and i thank him for inspiring me in the digital graphics. I never forget a customer so ill always welcome you back with warm welcome back by making more art for you in the future. I do hope I can help satisfy you all with a a piece of artwork you guys would like to have in your signatures or future clans, trade shops, and threads on serebii.

I use to own a art shop long time ago also Known as Flower Paradise Graphics and name changed to Enchanted Hollow Graphics. I am back and ready to do art for you all again which was pretty popular shop at the time with Daedric Design and The Under.
Free Link button to promote my shop ^_^

also I am willing to take workers if anyone would like to join my shop

credit inspiration artists ^_^:
Starlight banners is sworn metalhead (which he calls them sunburst banners)
fragmentation banners is avenger angel
split userbars is extroph
c-gear banners is extroph
special userbars is ~light (known as the famous mew)
extraction banners is Azulart
hex banners is Emerald Goblin
Broken Banners is ~light as well (known as the famous mew)
tech userbars is Sworn Metalhead (it is close to his digi userbar so must give credit for idea)

Credit Link

most of the Pokemon image I use in my banners credit to Xous54 from deviant art

Lunar Subterrane Graphics Rules
1.) Follow all the rules of Serebii
2.) Please be patient can't ask that enough
3.) Do not post when shop is closed!
4.) Do not spam in my thread asking when my request will be done
5.) I can do changes as long as there minor changes
6.) Please post the correct form for your banner choice if you don't follow you will be denied.
7.)continuous not following the rules gets you perma banned
8.) Always give credit to the art made as well as images
9.) No wait list rule anymore since the shop section is pretty much slow
10.) Don't PM/VM me at all unless I PM/VM you for something about your request
11.) guild/club/trade shops got a month to get there art together or the person that requests will earn a strike if not using the work as well as crediting.
12.) I will uplift the no da rule but you must get permission with proof to use the artwork or it will be denied.
13.) If you get banned in anyway before i start your request it will be cancelled sorry not sure what strike you have and not sure if your coming back
14.) Pokemon related image links doesn't need to be provided but anything out of pokemon need to have a link please and thanks.
15.) Save your images on a hosting site please I do delete images at some point.
16.) If you change your mind please cancel your order by letting me know asap which please don't request the same request in another shop

The request go for the following:
you can only request 8 userbars for each request
If you request a banner you can not request link buttons or userbars with the banner.
link buttons up to 6 in one request
special text banners up to 6 per request
For banners one request please per request
for trainer mugshots 2 per request no more please
team poses 1 per request please
avatars are considered banners so 1 per request please
for animation banners one banner per wait list they take longer to make then the others

vip list rules/advantages:
Vip members can request when closed and will be put on hold when a spot opens up

1st: banned for 1 day from requesting
2nd: banned for 3 days from requesting
3rd: banned for a week from requesting
4th: banned permanently from my thread and requesting
you will be given a first warning after that for not listening and you will earn a strike for all my strike lists which also remember for not waiting your period of a strike from posting you will earn a strike as well, I do keep track!


Art Shop is back in buisness and Photoshop is back thanks for waiting patiently guys ^_^


VIP List:
TEF/PD members

Wait List:
2.)Sapphire Luvr


Simple Banners


more examples:XX

Simple banner Form

I would like a simple banner from Lunar Subterrane Grapics please,
Image(s)([B] one image please![/B]):
text font ([URL="www.dafont.com"] www.dafont.com[/URL]):
anything else special:

Foreground Image Banners


More Examples:XX
Foreground image banner Form

I would like a Foreground image banner from Lunar Subterrane please,
normal Image ([B]1 image[/B] ):
foreground background image:
text font ([url]www.dafont.com[/url]) :
anything else special:

Special Brush Effect Banners


More Examples:XX

Ill choose the colors which would look best for the the effect of what you choose...also for the background i will be making the background from brushes so no need for a background image...just tell me what type of effect you want...snow,water,tech,magical circles, flowers,lightning and etc

special brush effect banners form

I would like a special brush banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Image(s) ([B]up to 2[/B]):
foreground brush effect(fire,water, etc):
Font text ( [URL="www.dafont.com"]www.dafont.com[/URL] ):
anything special:

Brush Effect Smudge Banners


More Examples:XX

brush effect smudge banner form

I would like a effect smudge banner at Luar Subtrerrane Graphics please,

image ( [B]1 image[/B]):
background color:
text font ( [URL="www.dafont.com"]www.dafont.com[/URL] ):
anything special:

C Gear Banners


More Examples:XX

C-gear banner Form

I would like a c-gear banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Image ([B]up to 2 images[/B]):
Text font([URL="www.dafont.com/"]www.dafont.com[/URL]):
background(fire,water,tech,and etc):
background colors:
gear color:
anything else special:

Pop Out Banners


More Examples:XX

 Pop out banner form

I would like a pop out banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Image pop out (no more the 2 images):
would you like the banner full or halfed?:
background style (fire,water,flowers, etc):
text font ( www.dafont.com ):
anything special:

Header Pop Up Banner

Style 1:



Style 2:


these banner are used for Opening banners, i can customize to your liking and there cross between my starlight banners and pop out banners...make sure please to give extractable mono background images please

I would like a header popout banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Pokemon/Character image( up to 3 please):
Style 1 or 2?:
Font ( www.dafont.com ):
Text popping out:
background color:
special notes:

Color Tech Banner

Type 1:



Type 2 Traditional:



Color Tech banner Form

I would like a Color Tech banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Type (1 or 2):
Image ([B]1 image[/B]):
fist line text:
smaller sub text:
anything important to note:

Starlight Banners



Drop Shadow effect



Bevel around the edges

Starlight Banner form

I would like a Starlight banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Front Image (one image):
do you want a background image fading? (yes or no):
Background image fading if yes:
do you want text in the main part of the banner?(yes or no):
if yes Text:
Text popping out on the side:
Text Font ( www.dafont.com ):
Gradient Colors:
background effect (water,ice,lighting, etc):
Bevel or Drop Shadow:
sig use?:
anything else special

Animated Banners


more examples:XX

animation banner Form

I would like a animation banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to 2):
 image background foreground:
Gif animation image:
if the gif is too big what part should i keep?:
text font ([URL="www.dafont.com"]www.dafont.com[/URL]):
anything else special:

Unique Banners




these banners are mostly for thread openings if you like something unique which if your using it for a sig please note you want it to be signature sized please which please don't redicule me if you use it in your sig and never put in the notes that you wanted for signature use.

Unique banner Form

I would like a Unique Banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please
background style (fire,waves,flower, etc):
sig use? (yes or no):
anything else special you want in the banner:

Avatar Banners


More Examples:XX

Avatar banner Form

I would like a avatar banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (3 images):
anything else special:

Fragmentation banners

I will be asking for this banner for sig use or not...i don't want anyone getting a warning a normal fragmentation banner is not ment for sig use but i can resize it to fit the sig...so please answer the question on the form or it will be denied from now on!




Fragmentation banner Form

I would like a Fragmentation banner from Lunar Suberrane Graphics please,
pop out image (up to 2 images):
background foreground image(s)[B] max is 2 images[/B]:
Text Font ( [URL="http://www.dafont.com/"]http://www.dafont.com[/URL] ):
using it for a sig? (yes or no):
anything else special:

these banners can be for clan rank banners they can be for a league spoliers, really anything you want them to be used and there a smaller size then a normal banner....

Regular Banners


More Examples:XX
Regular Banner form

I would like a Regular Banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

front Images([B] 1 image but i can do two if you want[/B]):
background (fire,water,bubbles, etc):
Text( [URL="www.dafont.com"]www.dafont.com[/URL] ) :
gradient color:
additional comments:

Texture Banners


More Examples:XX

Texture Banner form

I would like a Texture Banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

image(s)( can be up to 4):
background effect(fire,water,ice etc):
foreground background image (if you want, leave black if you don't want one):
text font ( [URL="www.dafont.com"]www.dafont.com[/URL] ):
anything else special:

Hex Banners

Style 1:


Style 2:

Hex Banner Form

I would like a Hex Banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Image (up to 3 images):
Text Font ( www.dafont.com ):
Style 1 or 2:

Special Text Banners




note i need images that are extracted already or can be extracted...they may be denied if you do not give me a good image to extract...as well i see people are using them for sigs as well please not these banners are not ment for sigs but i can resize them to fit so please fill out the sig use or it will be denied...

 Special Text Banner Form

I would like a text banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Text Font ( www.dafont.com ) :
gradient text color:
images (up to two):
sig use?:
anything special:

Broken Banners


More Examples:XX
Broken Banner Form

I would like a Broken Banner from Enchanted Hollow Graphics Please,

character/pokemon( up to 2):
Text font ( www.dafont.com ):
anything special:

~NEW TCG Banners


TCG Banner Form

I would like a TCG Banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to 5 images):
Text Font ( [url]www.dafont.com[/url]
Slot colors:
anything special:

~New Oval Shape Banners


I would like a Oval Shape Banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to three):
Images popping out?(all,or specific images:
Foreground Image(if you want):
Text Font ( [url]www.dafont.com[/url] ) :
sig use?:
background colors:
anything special:

Shiny Chart Banners


I do not edit the charts everytime you get a shiny you must use a image site or image editor program to put in the shinies you get.

 Custom Shiny Chart Banner Form

I would like a Custom Shiny Chart Banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image ( 2 max):
Special Text:
Text Font ( [url]www.dafont.com[/url] ) :
How many boxes on the chart?:
sig use?:
anything special:


Profile Avatar


More Example:X X
Avatar Profile Pictures Form

I would like a avatar profile picture from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Image([B]only 1[/B]):
Text( [URL="www.dafont.com"]www.dafont.com[/URL] ):
anything special:

Xat Avatars


 Xat Avatar Form

I would like a xat avatar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Image/sprite([B]only 1[/B]):
text color:
anything special:


Type 1:


More Examples:XX

Type 2:


More Examples:XX

Trainer VS Mugshot Form

I would like a Trainer Vs Mugshot from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Type(1 or 2):
shadowing or no shadowing effect:
Trainer on the Left:
Trainer on the right:
Color of background Left:
Color of background Right:
Text? (Y/N):
If so Text: on trainer left and color:
on trainer right and color:
anything extra:



More Examples:XfX

Team Poses Form

I would like a Team Pose from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
pokemon team:
Trainer(animated or not):
battle base type([URL="http://www.spriters-resource.com/ds/pokemonheartgoldsoulsilver/sheet/41996/"]battle base site[/URL])

for anyone that doesn't know what glares are....a glare is a half oval translucent look on your bar to make the userbar look finished...Im giving serebii members a choice if they would like this finish look or not, everyone has different tastes on the look...if you still don't understand it feel free to pm/vm me and ask. Also I will give a choice of 3d model or 5th gen and below sprite depending on the choice/3d Model.
also as well guys these are the only sprites can move so if you order userbars check this out if you want them animated because I don't use gif sprites from deviantart unless I ask permission first!

Pokecheck sprites that can be used on the userbars animated but 3d model sprites of pokemon all can be animated though...

Normal Userbars






Normal Userbar Form

I would like a normal userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
half or full:
Glare (yes or no):
sprite(s) ( 2 is max for full, and 1 for half):
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?:
animated (yes or No):
if yes what sprite animated:
gradient color:

Special Userbars






Special Userbar Form

I would like a Special userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
half or full:
glare (Yes or No):
sprite(s) ( 2 is max for full, and 1 for half):
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?:
animated (yes or No):
if yes what sprite animated:
gradient background color:
background effect (water, bubbles,flower, etc):
anything else special:

Split Userbars


Normal Split Userbars Form

I would like a Normal Split Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites(up to 2 only);
if yes which one?(only one animated please):
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?:
gradient color:
special notes:



Special Split Userbars Form

I would like a Special Split Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?(with name of the sprite/3d Model):
if yes which one?(only one animated please):
gradient color:
special notes:

Overlap Userbars


Overlap Userbars Form

I would like a Overlap Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites(up to 2 only):
Glare(yes or no):
animated?(yes or no):
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?:
if yes which one?(only one animated please):
gradient color for overlap part:
main gradient background part:
Effect of the background(water,flowers,bubbles,etc):
special notes:

Tech Userbars


I would like a Tech Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 2 sprites max):
Glare(yes or no):
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?:
animated?(yes or no):
if yes which one?(only one animated please):
gradient color:
special notes:

Star Shape Userbars


I would like a Star Shape Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 2 sprites max):
Glare(yes or no):
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?:
animated?(yes or no):
if yes which one?(only one animated please):
gradient color:
special notes:

Unique Usebars



I would like a Unique Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 1 only please):
animated?(yes or no):
6th gen 3d model or 5th gen sprite?:
gradient color:
Background style(bubbles,water,and etc):
special notes:

Link Buttons


More Examples:XX

link button Form

I would like a link button from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
animated(yes or no):
anything else special:

Strike List

None yet and I like to keep it this way thanks!

Thats about it thanks for reading everything here...hope you enjoy my artwork and my workers as well, ill be glad to have the pleasure of having business with you :)
Last edited:

Razor Leafeon

The Shadow Remains Cast!
Foreground image banner Form

I would like a Foreground image banner from Lunar Subterrane please,
normal Image (1 image ): http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/lucario-mega.jpg
foreground background image: Your choice. (You know what I want it about)
Text: He with an Iron Will and a Strong Aura.
text font (www.dafont.com) : Whatever makes it look the strongest, your call.
colors: Matching the background.
anything else special: Focus more on the top parts of mega lucario (Above the waist) but still include the rest besides the feet. Make it awesome looking (as always). :)
Last edited:


Metroid Hunter
Simple banner Form

I would like a simple banner from Lunar Subterrane Grapics please,
Image(s)( one image please!): http://stressedrach.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/april2012reviews/zekrom_overdrive002.png
text: By Thunder Be Purged
text font ( www.dafont.com): idk Could you pick something? I can find something if you can't.
colors: White
anything else special: could you put a thunderbolt in the background?

alright cool :3 I can do that for you accepted

Foreground image banner Form

I would like a Foreground image banner from Lunar Subterrane please,
normal Image (1 image ): http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/lucario-mega.jpg
foreground background image: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140829141740/pokemon/images/4/41/Cobalion_Emerging_Powers.jpg
Text: He with an Iron Will and a Strong Aura.
text font (www.dafont.com) : Whatever makes it look the strongest, your call.
colors: Matching the background.
anything else special: Focus more on the top parts of mega lucario (Above the waist) but still include the rest besides the feet. Make it awesome looking (as always). :)

I can do it but the only problem is the foreground image I need a bigger image if you can find one please ad thanks other wise I will have no problem doing it ;)


Metroid Hunter
ello, requesting a banner.
Image(s)( one image please!): https://sp.yimg.com/ib/th?id=HN.608026005087783722&pid=15.1&P=0
text: pick for me plz.
text font: comic plz
colors: blue and yellow
anything else special: maybe a tornado in the background?

sure thing wec but making sure is this a simple banner? accepted

edit: was fixed will work on these requests at my pace I will message when done and edit here when done.

2 spots left!



hope its alright a bit rusty and tried to keep white like you asked but needed more then white so I did the black and white look with the clouds and lighting hope its alright



Suprise Leaf i got your image on after all I just keep the standard banner size I use to make for it to work as well as I had to search out the same image for mega luke becuase the jpg was pretty jagged on the render when putting on the banner just looked bad ._. anyway enjoy hope you like it was hard to work with since the text was long too but I tried.


4 spots open now!
Last edited:


Metroid Hunter
It's great thanks so much. Credit to you or the shop?

you welcome and doesn't matter as long as its credit the shop or me is fine :) glad you like it cool :3


Ground-Type Champion
I would like a Unique Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 1 only please): Drapion
animated?(yes or no): Yes
gradient color: Purple
text: Master League Poison/Dark E4
Background style(bubbles,water,and etc): Paint Splatter
special notes:


Metroid Hunter
I would like a Unique Userbar from Lunar Subterrane Graphics Please,

Sprites( 1 only please): Drapion
animated?(yes or no): Yes
gradient color: Purple
text: Master League Poison/Dark E4
Background style(bubbles,water,and etc): Paint Splatter
special notes:

I can do that for you accepted

3 spots open now!



hope you like it blue and yellow was hard to go together but I tried as well as the image wasn't blending as well as I liked but all that matters you like it, and saved in layers if you want text later on btw ;)



Hope this alright for you had to put drapion on the left side so it didn't block the text


all 5 spots are back open!
Last edited:


I ate ColtonL
Hi friend :D
was hoping to get one of your awesome banners :3

Broken Banner Form

I would like a Broken Banner from Enchanted Hollow Graphics Please,

character/pokemon( up to 2): Mokona (white&black) [url]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ajJMgLgL45w/TbuqHHKyEgI/AAAAAAAABIw/LSIul76D9s0/s1600/Tsubasa_Reservoir_Chronicle_321838.jpg[/URL]
Colors: Dark and light blues, unles you find other colors that look way better. (going to be using this as a banner for another forum, and on there my name is sky blue so I'm sticking to blues >.< )
Text font ( www.dafont.com ):Feathergraphy (theres two versions, and I like both so feel free to play around with whichever you like more)
anything special: if you could keep the flowers they're holding then that'd be amazing! Ik it's not a png/no background image, I actually couldn't find one of them, but I love them with the flowers.


Metroid Hunter
Hi friend :D
was hoping to get one of your awesome banners :3

Broken Banner Form

I would like a Broken Banner from Enchanted Hollow Graphics Please,

character/pokemon( up to 2): Mokona (white&black) [url]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ajJMgLgL45w/TbuqHHKyEgI/AAAAAAAABIw/LSIul76D9s0/s1600/Tsubasa_Reservoir_Chronicle_321838.jpg[/URL]
Colors: Dark and light blues, unles you find other colors that look way better. (going to be using this as a banner for another forum, and on there my name is sky blue so I'm sticking to blues >.< )
Text font ( www.dafont.com ):Feathergraphy (theres two versions, and I like both so feel free to play around with whichever you like more)
anything special: if you could keep the flowers they're holding then that'd be amazing! Ik it's not a png/no background image, I actually couldn't find one of them, but I love them with the flowers.
oh the tsubasa chronicles haven't read that in ages which btw a big clamp fan :3 i will see what I can do I may add something else to the banner with another picture that is extracted maybe sense that seems more of a background sorta if thats alright with you? but besides that I can do it accepted

I would like a Team Pose from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
pokemon team: Talonflame,Greninja,Blaziken,Venusaur, Dragonite ,Clefable
Trainer: animted please
battle base type(http://www.spriters-resource.com/3ds/pokemonxy/sheet/62308/ choose the fire one)

hey there welcome to my shop all I need to know is what trainer you want animated please and thanks ;)

Eon Hero

soaring the skyes...
I would like a header popout banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Pokemon/Character image:

Style 1 or 2?: style 1 (I like the sinhon one)
Font ( http://www.dafont.com/pt/full-pack-2025.font?text=Soaring+Infinity&back=theme ):
Text popping out: Soaring Infinity
background color: Blue and Red AND white tones like clouds or something
special notes: I wanted the background to have cloud efects and wind marks. something that gives the impression of speed up in the skyes
one more thing: the latios image has 2 latios. I want you to remove the shiny one if possible. I just want the blue one since I love how it is in the position
hope you do a good job. by the way, the other banners you did are awesome :)


Metroid Hunter
I would like a header popout banner at Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,

Pokemon/Character image:

Style 1 or 2?: style 1 (I like the sinhon one)
Font ( http://www.dafont.com/pt/full-pack-2025.font?text=Soaring+Infinity&back=theme ):
Text popping out: Soaring Infinity
background color: Blue and Red AND white tones like clouds or something
special notes: I wanted the background to have cloud efects and wind marks. something that gives the impression of speed up in the skyes
one more thing: the latios image has 2 latios. I want you to remove the shiny one if possible. I just want the blue one since I love how it is in the position
hope you do a good job. by the way, the other banners you did are awesome :)

hey there welcome first image is a deviantart image so I can not use it part of my rules don't have permission to use DA images unless its xous's which must be credited but I can replace that image no problem for latios if thats alright? if it isn't please just edit your post if you rather choose another image accepted

Eon Hero

soaring the skyes...
hey there welcome first image is a deviantart image so I can not use it part of my rules don't have permission to use DA images unless its xous's which must be credited but I can replace that image no problem for latios if thats alright? if it isn't please just edit your post if you rather choose another image accepted

I trust you'll do a great job anyhow :) thanks


The Fastest Comeback
animation banner Form

I would like a animation banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to 2):

image background foreground:
Gif animation image:

if the gif is too big what part should i keep?:
Text: Humanity's Strongest Soldier
text font (www.dafont.com): Anything that is awesome
anything else special:


Metroid Hunter
animation banner Form

I would like a animation banner from Lunar Subterrane Graphics please,
Image (up to 2):

image background foreground:
Gif animation image:

if the gif is too big what part should i keep?:
Text: Humanity's Strongest Soldier
text font (www.dafont.com): Anything that is awesome
anything else special:

I will see what I can do accepted
1 spot left!


Pokegyms Owner
brush effect smudge banner form

I would like a effect smudge banner at Lunar Subtrerrane Graphics please,

image ( 1 image):Lance or Cynthia, but if you could fit both in there somehow that would be awesome
background color: Again, up to you
text font ( www.dafont.com ): Whatever fits and looks good
text:Battle of the Masters
anything special: This is going to be a tournament banner, so feel free to do whatever works, I'm sure it will look awesome regardless.