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Lv.100 Charizard's Trainer Card Shop

How Do You Like My Work.

  • Do You Love It.

    Votes: 26 60.5%
  • Do You Like It.

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • It's Ok.

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • It's Junk.

    Votes: 8 18.6%

  • Total voters
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Lv.100 Charizard's Shop Of Every Thing [Note:Read First Post On Rules.]

In Three Days This Shop Will Be Closed Forever. Starting Requesting Today. Request All The Time For Three Days. New Shop Opening After This Shop Closes.

This Rule is a must I will not make any D/P sprites of Kanto,Johto and Hoeen. Due to it takes longer to get them and add them to the card. The sprites i have are what i use in the cards no execeptions.

We are looking for more people to become members at http://z11.invisionfree.com/seafoam_island_lugia/index.php?act=idx
  • Lv.100 Charizard(me):can make trainer card,banners(if i have the background link with the request),inverts and other things
  • emeraldsalamance: can make fussions and other things
  • UltimateNagash: post nuber 606 is what he can do
  • mew_monster20:Trainer Cards, chao, battle scenes, banners, pokeeggs, pokeballs, revamps, tropies and awards
  • Elekible Trainere:Trainer Cards
  • Smack That!!!!!:can make,Trainer Cards,Fusion Trainer,Pokemon in a hole,Fronteir Pass,Poketrophie and Fusions between Pokemon & Trainers.
  • Light Venusaur: can make Avatar's,Banner's,Trainer Cards,Shiny's banner

Thank to TheScizorMaster for shop's banner​

This shop can do any thing.


My First Banner.​

Shop is Open

(Shop open=somebody is here and working/ Shop closed=I'm gone and/or don't want any more requests until things are done and caught up/ Request Away!=Not here now but post anyway for stuff. Will get done by someone in matter of few hours, because I'm not the only one who works here!)


Tell me if this is cool.​

I've opened up a Trainer Card Shop so that I can have a thread for making Trainer Cards. At the moment the staff/helpers is:​
  • Owner Lv100 Charizard (me)​
  • Co-Owner mew_monster20​
  • Co-Owner UltimateNagash​
  • Co-Owner Light Venusaur​
  • Elekible Trainer​
  • emeraldsalamance​
  • Smack That!!!!!​
Also could people please say who they want on the TCs.​

When someones finished your TC, They'll PM you saying it's done.​

If you want to be a assitant person here, just ask, and I'll consider it.​

I also do Gym Leader TCs.​

My Bann List​

  • None​
  • None​
  • None​
  • None​
  • None​
Note: I will not do cards if people request then go offline because the cards sit in my shop untill the person who requested it comes back the next day. Card's only take 10-15 minutes to make.

Note: Make sure to give credit to whoever made the card or card's
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Here's What I Can Make

Please Read before requesting and don't steal my templates. I can make Green,Red,Blue,Yellow,Gold,Sliver,Crystal,Ruby,Shpphire,Fire Red,Leaf Green and D/P. Only if i have the pokemon and pokemon trainer picture's.Here's what i got so far.
Gym Leader Cards.
Green,Red,Blue,Yellow,Gold,Sliver,Ruby,Sapphire,Fire Red,Leaf Green and Emerald Elite4 Card's.

Trainer Card's. Can do backgrounds if given background is posted along with the request.

And someting new if not. A Ball Badge's Card.

Here are the badges that i use.
Here are some of my templates that i use

Even more templates that i use.

Block 1 ^

Block 2 ^

Now i can do inverts of trainer cards and pokemon.

Heres a picture of my inverts of all 151 pokemon. Also I can do inverts of Johto,Hoeen and D/P Pokemon.

A Lengendary Pokemon Trainer Card.

Can do Item Card's.

Note: I've found more pokemon templates
< Attack

< Defence

< Speed Small

< Speed

< Normal

-----\/ Can do all of these in shiny|
< Bug
< Dark
< Dragon.
< Electric
< Fighting
< Fire
< Flying
< Ghost
< Ground
< Ice
< Grass
< Poision
< Psychic
< Rock
< Steel
< Unkown
< Water
< Ground
< Ground
< Steel
< Steel

Please One Request At A Time. Can not do banners,chaos or others. only what i have posted.Please read the rules in my shop or i will not do the request.
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I am a glow worm...
You know me. You know what I can do. So, what's your answer?


I am a glow worm...
Excelent (does little guitar rift!)
the pokeball badge thing i did when i was board.
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Enperuto Rulez

A true dragonite fan
can i have a tc

Trainer:Guy from FR/LG
Pokemon:Shining Charizard,Blastoise,Venusaur, Raichu, Dragonite, Marowak
Pokemon in back:pidgeot
Nice to see ya own shop up and runnin LV 100! If ya want some better templates just PM me.


Mew owner!
charizard feraligator blaziken last form of grass starter in D/P mew and eevee
a good background
name Josh
kanto johto and hoenn badges


C.C. belongs to me!
cook man continue like this ;328;


Mew owner!
just a question NOT a complaint. What happenad to the kanto badges and why is my name written twice
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