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Lv100 Wailord?What the heck?


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
544 is the max for Wailord, but Blissey has more than 700, so green_dragonite17, I believe you are mistaken by saying that pokemon can only get 620 HP, unless you were just talking about Wailord, but it didn't sound like it.

For all of you guys who think the max is 620, you are mistaken. Look at the max stats on Wailord's pokedex page...
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Crazy Trainer
No, 544 is the correct result. With 255 EVs and an IV of 31, Base Value of 170, just put it in the stat formula and see for yourself:


The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
Wailords max HP is 544 and Blisseys is 614. Simple really. Why is everyone saying it's different?


Master Breeder
wailord doesn't have too much HP, its crappy defenses counterbalance its high HP and it has a narrow movepool.

blissey and wobby, on the other hand, do have too much HP, IMO.


Wailords max HP is 544 and Blisseys is 614. Simple really. Why is everyone saying it's different?

blissey has 714 max. maybe that's why they keep disagreeing with you.
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The new tuxedo look!
I don't know why but I thought blisseys could have a max of over 700 hp. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Furret rocks
I've had a Blissey with 712 in HP...


Well-Known Member
Wailord has abit of HP. High enough anyway