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Macentric Fan Art

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Master Coordinator
Manectric Fan Art

This is based on my elektrike in Fizzy Bubbles, who hopefully will soon know Shadow Ball, which I decided to put in:


Please comment and criticise. ^_^
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gee that's swell
Woah!!!That pic is awsome!!!!You're an awsome artist!Maybe you could do a Torchic on your spare time


Oceanic Legend
Pretty good, P. ^_^

The shading and proportions seem spot-on, and the only fault I can actually notice is that the 'outline' seems a tad bumpy in places.


Coral Eye Trainer
I like what you got going on here, did you use photoshop or illustrator to draw out the Manectric?


Master Coordinator
Solla-chan said:
I like what you got going on here, did you use photoshop or illustrator to draw out the Manectric?
I used Photoshop, thanks.

And Sai: I know, the outline sux0rs (gotta love that word) but I really couldn't be bothered to redo it. XD


Well-Known Member
Wow, P-Arts, just, wow.

I seriously can't see anything wrong with this, it's so originally done.

I can't say anything else about it ^_^;;. Great job P-Arts.
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