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machamp is stupid...

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Run doggy Run!
isnt machamp so stupid i mean he's a fukin ******* i hate him and he is always wearin a thong! y cant he just go naked like all the other pokemon!
o an i hate raqaza to she is such a *****!!

AJ Flibble

So he's stupid huh?

Simply because he has clothing on?

Needs more good reasons to dislike a Pokemon.

BTW, Machamp is one of my favourite Pokemon.

Obviously I'm not gonna take this seriously. Not from someone who can't even type coherently and abbreviates everything am I?

And since when was Rayquaza (who you can't spell AT ALL) Female?

You're very mature BTW.
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Well-Known Member
i sense spam! :mad: this forum wasn't made to bash other pokemon. someone plz close this. -_-"

Korobooshi Kojiro

"Does Machamp have to strangle a b****!"

Seriously, you should direct your hate at the horrid 4th Gen, atleast Machamp doesn't SUCK!

Don't make a topic to bash a Pokemon.

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