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Mackenie says: Hello!



Hey guys I'm Mac.

I like pokemon of course and I come from Australia! Yippie!
I know these forums a bit so I should know what to do and what rules to follow!

I hope this site is fun...

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Hi. I'm glad to see that apparently you lurked around here before joining.
Do you know me?! 8D *shot*

Anyways, enjoy your stay here and don't be close-minded or you'll be eaten alive. D8


true love
Welcome to SPPf, and good to hear that you know what rules to follow. ^^ Have fun and enjoy your stay in here..

Don't let the rabid members/mods/admins bite you! Lol, they don't bite.... I hope.

*hits Tropical Spirit lightly with Espeon plush* ..instead of shooting you.

Lord wackruntlje

Speed up, n00b!
Welcome, Mackenie. Enjoy your stay, but be sure to read the rules. Watch out for n00b threads and dont abuse smileys.

Final Flash

I've still got it.
Hello newbie.

*Shakes hand*

Pm me if you want to be friends.

Argoxoz Crucificus

Hey there! Have fun, stay active, and if you want to be friends then don't hesitate to PM me!


Thanks for the warm welcome you lot.
I don't need any friends at the moment cause I have one... the REVIEW SHEET. You better not own a comic...