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Magic Club

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Weeee! Magic!

Welcome to the Magic Club!

What Can I do Here?- Here you could...

  • Share magic tricks with other club members (put them in spoiler tags though)
  • Discuss about famous magicians, tricks, or magic history.
  • Make banners for the club.
  • Make a video of yourself performing a trick, or get a video of another magician.

What are the Rules?- Here are the rules:

  • Any info on how to do a magic trick must be put in spoiler tags. A magician never reveals their secret!
  • No flaming magicians. No talking about how you think magic is fake.
  • Have fun:)

Who are Members Here?- Members List:

  • Pikabolt- Owner

Who here is Banned?- Banned List:


Where Can I Find Resources on the Internet for Magic Tricks?- Resource Center-

-Will be updated shortly-

Where Can I Find Cool Magic Stuff to Put in My Signature?- Sig Place-

-will be updated shortly-Please contribute
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