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Magical Pokemon Journey - English version of manga lost to time.

Magical Pokemon Journey was the Shoujo take on the Pokemon series - a solely unique (and adorable) Pokemon manga about the smaller things, that's sadly lost to time and abandoned. It's a massive shame and something I'd strongly like to see change.

Some more information on this manga: bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Magical_Pok%C3%A9mon_Journey

But, there are still many chapters missing and it can't currently be read beyond Volume 2 (of 10).

We need:
  • Volume 2 - Chapters 11-12, Bonus 4-5
  • Volume 3 - Chapters 15-16, Bonus 6-7
  • Volume 4 - Chapters 19-24, A 1-2
  • Volume 6 - Chapters 31-36, Bonus 13-14
  • Volume 7 - All Chapters
  • Volume 8 - Chapters 51-52
  • Volume 9 - All Chapters
  • Volume 10 - All Chapters
If you have any of the following volumes/chapters, please help get this manga recovered! We have a running thread over on LostMediaWiki that's probably the best place to help!
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Silence is Purple
I think there was a sea publication of this that was in English fully? I could be wrong. Maybe there's people out there that might have copies of it?


Beyond repair
I think Pokemon fans should campaign for Viz to re-release MPJ (perhaps as a digital-only release?). The prices and availability of the old volumes are just ridiculous and the very fact that a Pokemon product licensed by Viz is now considered as "lost media" is just crazy to me.
Viz still has the license, they don't earn a penny from it, even though they could. And the younger generations of Pokemon fans should be enabled to visit this nostalgic Pokemon classic that they have never been able to see.

Hard mode: they could use the chance to revise the translation to some extent, like they did with Adventures (especially rethink some of their silly decisions like un-nicknaming some nicknamed Pokemon) and release the missing volumes 8-10 (which I guess would have to be translated anew, as their English version was made by now-defunct Singaporean Chuang Yi). But maybe that's asking for too much - I'd be fine with them even just re-releasing the old seven volumes. It's already much.

I'd say the same about EToP but since it had some controversies connected to it, I understand why they may not want to...
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Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
I have all but one (the Raichu story) of the volumes somewhere.

Was there anything really oddly translated in this series? I know they translated amazake as apple cider but it has the same effect--a drink that pokemon are getting drunk off of that *should not be possible to get drunk off of*--so it's not really that big of an issue.