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Magneton or Raichu?


Well-Known Member
I was wanting to try out a good electric type out in my team and was wondering which one would help my team more Magneton or Raichu?My team so far Swampert,Gardevoir,Dusclops,Weezing,Flygon(until I get Bagon).Here's the movesets I was thinking about using.Feel free to change the movesets to better ones.

Magneton@no item
~Metal Sound
~Hidden Power Water
~Thunder Wave

Raichu@no item
~Thunder Wave

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
I'd say Magneton (not just because of bias).

And, to contradict the above post, I'd stick with HP Water - it helps defeat Ground types, and is also effective on Rock types which are often paired with Ground types, so there's a 4x bonus there. Water also helps with those pesky Fire types. You might want to replace Thunder Wave something else since Thunderbolt already has a chance of paralysis (maybe Toxic to be creative?), but my own Magneton has Thunder Wave so you may be best just sticking with it also.


Well-Known Member
Don't use hidden powers ingame as it is virtually impossible to get a decent powered one. I would actually use neither as you can already have gardevoir acting as your pseudo electric. Use something else instead