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Mah Notebook Drawings 'n stuff

I've gotten some requests from you kids about making a thread here... sooooooo I will. >_> Most of my drawings are un-colored and on lined paper though. And some of these were gifts to my friends too. <_< Oh well. Enjoy lookin' around. (and don't steal.)



(pannels were messed up I know. >_>)


seen it

officer down! lol


more to come...
yay ms.western magikarp's back!:p
they're good but in the last pic,feraligatr looks a bit too skinny
other than that,they're awsome!

Horn Drill

Well, I've seen some of those before, but they were great. :p I don't know where you get some of that stuff from (like the police-Typhlosion o_O), but I like 'em, of course. :3

Catapult Turtle

AbLªh GenerªL
Ah, someone who still uses the good old pencils! I love your style, you have wonderful ideas. Definitely keep drawing!


I ain't witty, so no

those look heaps cool. I like the typhlosion police officer the the best. Do you take requests?

Horn Drill

Hey, I thought you said, "More to come..." :p