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Make a Signature move

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The Plot Thickens
A thread where you can make a signature move for any pokemon, you can do one even if that pokemon already has a signature move.
Please, nothing dumb like
death attack
kills everyone lololololololol infinite damage.

You can add type, power, pp, accuracy, and effects, but its not required.

Sand Spout for Kabarudon: PRetty much the same as eruption, except ground type.
Mach Missile: For Kaburaisu
Power: 100
Accuracy: 95
PP: 10
Effects: Always attacks first, and a high critical hit ratio
Description: An attack that goes at the speed of sound. has a high critical hit ratio
MAch Missile: For Kaburaisu
Power: 100
Accuracy: 95
Type: Flying
Effects: always attacks first, and a high critical hit ratio

I'm sorry if this has already been made.
Go people, go!
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Strawberry fields.
Horn Glow: Goldeen
Power: 100
PP: 10/10
Accuracy: 90
Effect: Raises Sp. Attack

Absorbs moonlight through its horn to increase Sp. Attack
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The Plot Thickens
Sakura Storm: for Cherimu
Power: 90
Type: Grass
Accuracy: 100
DEscription: A storm of cherry blossoms that lowers SP. Defense
Oooh, fun. There ought to be more bizzare signature moves.
Over Easy
Exeggutor Exclusive
Type: Normal
Power: 100
Accuracy: 95%
PP: 10
Effects: Good chance of critical hit, has 30% chance of BURN.

Jigglypuff Exclusive
Type: Normal
Power: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
PP: 5
Effects: Increases HP by 1.5 every turn for five turns.

More later.


The Plot Thickens
Wow, these are good! keep em up!

Sticky Honey: Mistuhoney and Beequeen Exclusive
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Type: Bug
Description: Sticky honey envelops the foe, paralyzing and restricting it from switching out

Neon Lights: Neorantu Exclusive, learned at level 37
Power: --
Accuracy: 100
Type: Psychic
PP: 15
Description: FLashing lights make all foes flinch

Electric Mischief: Rotomu exclusive, learned at level 55
Type: Electric
Power: --
PP: 15
Description: Causes mischief to Electric and Steel types to do a random amount of damage. May paralyze.

Mystic Spell: Muumajii exclusive
Type: Ghost
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
Description: A magic spell bestows a random status condition.
Heal Dance
Exclussive for Bellossom
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 10
Effect: User recovers half of its total HP and also heals any abnormal Status.

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